Quality Outreach
The Adoption Group are promoting the testing of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects with OpenJDK builds, whether their own, or from someone else.
We want to acknowledge projects who are actively testing, providing feedback and list any issues they have found during their testing. This is a great way to improve the quality of the various releases, adding new projects to the list is highly desirable.
If you would like to have your Project added to the list below, please send an email to quality-discuss or adoption-discuss mailing lists. If you haven’t already subscribed to these lists then please do so first, otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.
Status indicators
- Indicates we have active testing , feedback & bug reporting on some or all JDKs
- Indicates we have intermittent communication on some or all JDKs
- Indicates will start testing in the near future
FOSS | Contact | Mailing List | JDK 8u102 b04 | JDK 9 b120 | Project Jigsaw b120 (#5074) | CI Link | Issues |
Apache Chemistry | Florian Muller | dev @ chemistry dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Commons | Benedikt Ritter | dev @ commons dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Derby | Rick Hillegas | derby dash dev @ db dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Lucene/SOLR | Uwe Schindler Dawid Weiss | dev @ lucene dot apache dot org | http://jenkins.thetaphi.de/ | Apache Lucene/SOLR Issues with JDK 8 | |||
Apache Maven | Robert Scholte | dev @ maven dot apache dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18507 | ||||
Apache ISIS | Dan Haywood | ||||||
Apache JMeter | Philippe Mouawad | dev @ jmeter dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache MetaModel (incubating) | Kasper Sorensen | dev @ metamodel incubator dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache POI | Apache POI PMC | dev @ poi dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Tomcat | Mladen Turk | dev @ tomcat dot apache dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=20768 | ||||
Apache Tika | David Meikle | ||||||
Arquillian | Aslak Knutsen | arquillian dot org | https://arquillian.ci.cloudbees.com/ not yet running,manually executed for b29,b05. | ||||
AsciidoctorJ | Alex Soto Guillaume Grossetie | discuss dot asciidoctor dot org | https://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj | ||||
AssertJ | Joel Costigliola, Alexander Bischof | groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/assertj | https://assertj.ci.cloudbees.com/job/assertj-core/ | ||||
Byteman | Andrew Dinn | ||||||
CheckStyle | Roman Ivanov | checkstyle-devel @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
Clojure | Alex Miller | ||||||
CruiseControl | Kent Spillner | cruisecontrol-devel-request @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
DataCleaner | Kasper Sorensen | datacleaner dot org/forum | |||||
Drools | Coming soon | www dot drools dot org | |||||
EasyMock | Henri Tremblay | easymock @t yahoogroups dot com | travis-ci dot org slash easymock slash easymock | ||||
Eclipse AspectJ | Andy Clements | aspectj-dev @ eclipse dot org | |||||
Eclipse Vert.x | Paulo Lopes | groups dot google dot com slash forum slash #!forum/vertx-dev | vertx dot io | ||||
EJBCA | info dot primekey dot se | tech @ primekey dot se | |||||
ElasticSearch | Ryan Ernst | openjdk @ elastic dot co | |||||
FindBugs | Andrey Loskutov | ||||||
FXGraphics2D | David Gilbert | www dot jfree.org /fxgraphics2d/ | |||||
Gradle | Adam Murdoch | dev @ gradle dot codehaus dot org gradle-dev @ googlegroups dot com |
| ||||
GraphHopper | Peter Karich | discuss dot graphhopper dot com/ | https://travis-ci.org/graphhopper/graphhopper | ||||
Griffon | Andres Almiray | new dot griffon-framework dot org | travis-ci.org/griffon/griffon | ||||
Groovy | Cedric Champeau | dev @ groovy dot codehaus dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18553 | ||||
Hazelcast | Mehmet Dogan | jenkins dash notification @ hazelcast dot com | https://hazelcast-l337.ci.cloudbees.com/view/Quality-Outreach/ | ||||
HeapStats | Yasumasa Suenaga KUBOTA Yuji | heapstats at icedtea dot classpath dot org | http://builder.classpath.org/jenkins/job/heapstats/ | http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&list_id=33849&order=relevance%20desc&product=HeapStats&query_format=specific | |||
Hibernate | Sanne Grinovero | hibernate-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | ci.hibernate.org | ||||
HyperSQL Databas | Fred Toussi | hsqldb-developers @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | hsqldb dot org | ||||
Jackson | Tatu Saloranta | groups dot google dot com /forum/#!forum/jackson-dev | |||||
JaCoCo | Evgeny Mandrikov | jacoco-dev @ googlegroups dot com | https://travis-ci.org/jacoco/jacoco | ||||
JBoss Tools / Developer Studio | Martin Malina - primary contact. Max Rydal Andersen | https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=project%20in%20%28jbide%2C%20jbds%29%20and%20labels%20in%20%28%22java9%22%29 | |||||
JFreeChart | David Gilbert | sourceforge dot net/p/jfreechart/mailman/jfreechart-developers/ | |||||
JFreeSVG | David Gilbert | www dot jfree dot org /jfreesvg/ | |||||
JITWatch | Chris Newland | jitwatch @ googlegroups dot com | http://chriswhocodes.com:8080/ | ||||
JOGL/JogAmp | Sven Gothel | forum dot jogamp dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18478 | ||||
JOSM | Vincent Privat | josm dash dev @ openstreetmap dot org | https://josm.openstreetmap.de/jenkins/ | https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/JavaBugs | |||
JBoss-Forge | Ivan St Ivanov | ||||||
MongoDB-Java driver | Justin Lee | ||||||
MongoDB-Morphia | Justin Lee | ||||||
Objenesis | Henri Tremblay | objenesis-dev at googlegroups dot com | travis-ci dot org slash easymock slash objenesis | ||||
OptaPlanner | Coming soon | www dot optaplanner dot org | |||||
PMD | Andreas Dangel | pmd-devel @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
ProGuard | Eric Lafortune | proguard dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
RedHat Infinispan | Galder Zamerreno | infinispan-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18975 | ||||
RedHat Netty | Norman Maurer | groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/netty | |||||
RedHat Wildfly | Tomaz Cerar | wildfly-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18477 | ||||
Reflections | Ron Mamo | groups dot google dot com/group/google-code-reflections | |||||
Scala Team, Lightbend | Jason Zaugg | https://groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/scala-user | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18671 | ||||
SonarQube | Nicolas Peru | sonarqube dot org | https://sonarplugins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/sonar/ | ||||
Travis CI | Mathias Meyer | https://groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/travis-ci | |||||
Woodstox | Tatu Saloranta | https://github.com/FasterXML/woodstox | |||||
Xtext | Sven Efftinge | https://xtext-builds.itemis.de/jenkins/ | |||||
Xtend | Sven Efftinge | https://xtext-builds.itemis.de/jenkins/ | |||||
XStream | Jörg Schaible | https://bamboo-ci.codehaus.org/browse/XSTREAM |