Quality Outreach
The Adoption Group are promoting the testing of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects with OpenJDK builds, whether their own, or from someone else.
We want to acknowledge projects who are actively testing, providing feedback and list any issues they have found during their testing. This is a great way to improve the quality of the various releases, adding new projects to the list is highly desirable.
Status indicators
- Indicates we have active testing , feedback & bug reporting on some or all JDKs
- Indicates we have intermittent communication on some or all JDKs
- Indicates will start testing in the near future
FOSS | Contact | Mailing List | JDK 7u60 | JDK 8u40 b10 | JDK 9 b35 | JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b36 | CI Link | Issues |
Apache Commons | Benedikt Ritter | dev @ commons.apache.org | ||||||
Apache Lucene/SOLR | Uwe Schindler Dawid Weiss | dev @ lucene.apache.org | http://jenkins.thetaphi.de/ | |||||
Apache Maven | Robert Scholte | dev @ maven dot apache dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18507 | |||||
Apache ISIS | Dan Haywood | |||||||
Apache JMeter | Philippe Mouawad | dev @ jmeter dot apache dot org | ||||||
Apache Tomcat | Mladen Turk | dev @ tomcat dot apache dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=20768 | |||||
Apache MetaModel (incubating) | Kasper Sorensen | dev @ metamodel incubator dot apache dot org | ||||||
Arquillian | Aslak Knutsen | arquillian dot org | https://arquillian.ci.cloudbees.com/ not yet running,manually executed for b29,b05. | |||||
AsciidoctorJ | Alex Soto Guillaume Grossetie | discuss dot asciidoctor dot org | https://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj | |||||
AspectJ | Andy Clements | aspectj-dev @ eclipse dot org | ||||||
Byteman | Andrew Dinn | |||||||
CheckStyle | Roman Ivanov | checkstyle-devel @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | ||||||
Clojure | Alex Miller | |||||||
CruiseControl | Kent Spillner | cruisecontrol-devel-request @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | ||||||
DataCleaner | Kasper Sorensen | datacleaner dot org/forum | ||||||
Eclipse JGit | Chris Aniszcyk Matthias Sohn | jgit-dev @ eclipse dot org | ||||||
EJBCA | info dot primekey dot se | tech @ primekey dot se | ||||||
FXGraphics2D | David Gilbert | http://www.jfree.org/fxgraphics2d/ | ||||||
Gradle | Adam Murdoch | dev @ gradle dot codehaus dot org gradle-dev @ googlegroups dot com |
| |||||
Griffon | Andres Almiray | http://new.griffon-framework.org | travis-ci.org/griffon/griffon | |||||
Groovy | Cedric Champeau | dev @ groovy dot codehaus dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18553 | |||||
Hibernate | Sanne Grinovero | hibernate-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | ci.hibernate.org | |||||
JaCoCo | Evgeny Mandrikov | jacoco-dev at googlegroups dot com | jacoco.ci.cloudbees.com | |||||
JFreeChart | David Gilbert | http://sourceforge dot net/p/jfreechart/mailman/jfreechart-developers/ | ||||||
JFreeSVG | David Gilbert | http://www.jfree.org/jfreesvg/ | ||||||
JITWatch | Chris Newland | jitwatch at googlegroups dot com | ||||||
JOGL/JogAmp | Sven Gothel | forum dot jogamp dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18478 | |||||
JBoss-Forge | Ivan St Ivanov | |||||||
MongoDB-Java driver | Trisha Gee | |||||||
MongoDB-Morphia | Trisha Gee | |||||||
PMD | Andreas Dangel | pmd-devel @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | ||||||
ProGuard | Eric Lafortune | http://proguard.sourceforge.net/ | ||||||
RedHat Infinispan | Galder Zamerreno | infinispan-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18975 | |||||
RedHat Netty | Norman Maurer | https://groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/netty | ||||||
RedHat Wildfly | Tomaz Cerar | wildfly-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18477 | |||||
Scala | Grzegorz Kossakowski | https://groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/scala-user | https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=18671 | |||||
SonarQube | Nicolas Peru | sonarqube dot org | https://sonarplugins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/sonar/ | |||||
Travis CI | Mathias Meyer | https://groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/travis-ci | ||||||
Xtext | Sven Efftinge | https://xtext-builds.itemis.de/jenkins/ | ||||||
Xtest | Sven Efftinge | https://xtext-builds.itemis.de/jenkins/ |