Quality Outreach
The Quality Group are promoting the testing of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects with OpenJDK builds, whether their own,
or from someone else. We want to acknowledge projects who are actively testing, providing feedback and list any issues they have found
during their testing. This is a great way to improve the quality of the various releases, adding new projects to the list is highly desirable.
If you would like to have your Project added to the list below, please send an email to quality-discuss or adoption-discuss mailing lists.
If you haven’t already subscribed to these lists then please do so first, otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.
Status indicators
- Indicates we have active testing , feedback & bug reporting on some or all JDKs
- Indicates we have intermittent communication on some or all JDKs
- Indicates will start testing in the near future
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
Akka, Lightbend | Patrik Nordwall | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Angel-ML | Brucetao | |||||
Apache Ant | Stefan Bodewig & Jaikiran Pai | #WorksFineOnJDK9 Ran our Ant project against JDK 16 EA build 16-ea+24-1553 on a Linux setup. Looks fine, no issues found.Apache Ant - Ran the Ant testsuite against the loom build 16-loom+7-285 on a Linux setup and it went fine without any issues. | ||||
Apache Aries CDI | Raymond Auge | https://github.com/apache/aries-cdi/actions/runs/125540570 All builds are green | ||||
Apache Aries JAX-RS | Raymond Auge | https://github.com/apache/aries-jax-rs-whiteboard/actions/runs/125109158 All builds are green. | ||||
Apache Camel | Andrea Cosentino | 3.4.0 is a LTS release that supports both JDK8 and JDK 11 https://builds.apache.org/view/C/view/Apache%20Camel/job/Camel%20JDK14/ JDK 15 - https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Camel/job/Camel%20JDK15/ | ||||
Apache Chemistry | Florian Muller | |||||
Apache Commons | Benedikt Ritter | |||||
Apache CXF | Andriy Redko | We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16. | ||||
Apache Derby | Rick Hillegas | #WorksFineOnJDK9 . We support JDK 15 - see here Derby builds and tests cleanly using JDK 16 build 24. Link | ||||
Apache Hadoop | Akira Ajisaka |
| ||||
Apache HttpComponents | Gary Gregory | |||||
Apache ISIS | Dan Haywood | |||||
Apache JMeter | Philippe Mouawad | |||||
Apache Kafka | Ismael Juma | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Apache Karaf | Guillaume Nodet | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
Apache Log4j | Gary Gregory | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Apache Lucene & SOLR | Uwe Schindler Dawid Weiss | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 Lucene/Solr's CI servers are testing JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
Apache Maven | Robert Scholte | #WorksFineOnJDK9,#WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 Support JDK 15 & Test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
Apache MetaModel | Kasper Sorensen | |||||
Apache Netbeans | Geertjan Wielenga | Use OpenJDK 12 EA b24 or higher and OpenJDK 11.0.2 | ||||
Apache PDFBox | Tilman Hausherr | builds.apache.org/job/PDFBox-Trunk-jdk9/ We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
Apache POI | Apache POI PMC | We plan to support JDK 15, also plan to add JDK 16 support. | ||||
Apache Syncope | Francesco Chicchiriccò | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Apache Syncope 3.0.0 We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds - JDK 16 EA testing here | ||||
Apache Tomcat | Mark Thomas | Tomcat 9.0.x with JDK 15+36-1562 on x86_64 and aarch64. Apache Tomcat's build and tests pass with JDK 16-ea+24-1553 on Linux both x86_64 and aarch64! | ||||
Apache Tika | David Meikle | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Apache Wicket | Martin Grigorov | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 Apache Wicket supports JDK 15 and we test JDK 16 EA builds. Apache Wicket 9.x builds and tests pass with JDK 16-ea+24-1553 on both x86_64 and aarch64! | ||||
Apache Zookeeper | Enrico Olivelli | CI Links - here . Apart from the reported issue(Xdoclint) current ZooKeeper version builds and tests passes on latest JDK16-b24. | ||||
Apereo CAS | Misagh Moayyed | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Apereo CAS 6.2.0. We support JDK 15, plan to test JDK 16 ea | ||||
Arquillian | Aslak Knutsen | |||||
AsciidoctorJ | Alex Soto Guillaume Grossetie | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
AssertJ | Joel Costigliola, Alexander Bischof | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - AssertJ Core 3.15.0 | ||||
BlueJ | Michael Kölling | |||||
Bnd | Raymond Auge | https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/actions/runs/114089797 https://bnd.bndtools.org/ | ||||
BootstrapFX | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | ||||
bt | Andrei Tomashpolskiy | |||||
Byte Buddy | Rafael Winterhalter | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16 EA builds. | ||||
Byteman | Andrew Dinn | We support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
CheckStyle | Roman Ivanov | |||||
Classworlds | Robert Scholte | |||||
Clojure | Alex Miller | |||||
CruiseControl | Kent Spillner | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , We support JDK 15. We'll test JDK 16 release, but not the EA builds | ||||
DataCleaner | Kasper Sorensen | |||||
Debezium | Gunnar Morling | https://github.com/debezium/debezium/actions/runs/110863877 | ||||
DesktopPaneFX | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | ||||
EasyMock | Henri Tremblay | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 , We support JDK 15. We plan JDK 16 support. | ||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
Eclipse AspectJ | Andy Clements | AspectJ 1.9.5 is now available. It includes support for Java13. | ||||
Eclipse Collections | Nikhil J. Nanivadekar | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Eclipse Collections 10.2.0 Eclipse 10.4.0 is compatible with JDK-15-EA and JDK-16-EA | ||||
Eclipse GEF | Alexander Nyssen | |||||
Eclipse Jetty | Simone Bordet | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 Support JDK 15 , not yet testing JDK 16. | ||||
Eclipse Vert.x | Paulo Lopes | |||||
Ehcache | Louis Jacomet | |||||
EJBCA | info dot primekey dot se | |||||
ElasticSearch | Ryan Ernst | #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 JDK 15 Support starting with version 7.9.2 JDK 16 not yet tested. | ||||
eo-yaml | Mihai Andronache | Github: Link. CI: Link. OpenJDK 16 tests We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
EqualsVerifier | Jan Ouwens | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 - version 3.0 supports JDK 11. We support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
FXGL | Almas Baimagambetov | No issues on JDK11, JDK 12, JDK 13, JDK 14. FXGL tests are also green on JDK 15 and JDK 16 b24 https://travis-ci.org/github/AlmasB/FXGL JDK15: https://travis-ci.org/github/AlmasB/FXGL/jobs/740800543 | ||||
FXGraphics2D | David Gilbert | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
FXyz | Sean Phillips Jose Pereda | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 FXyz works fine with JDK 15 and latest 16-ea+24. | ||||
Golo | Julien Ponge | |||||
Gradle | Cedric Champeau | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Gradle 6.3 Supports JDK 15 with Gradle 6.7 & we test JDK 16 EA builds. | ||||
GraphHopper | Peter Karich | #WorksFineOnJDK9, We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16 EA builds. | ||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
Greenfoot | Michael Kölling | |||||
Griffon | Andres Almiray | The Griffon build does run with JDK15 but it does not make use of any APIs greater than JDK8 for compatibility reasons. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | ||||
Groovy | Cedric Champeau | Groovy 2.5.10 Support for JDK 14 | ||||
guice-async-extension | Simon Taddiken | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Hazelcast | Mehmet Dogan | |||||
HdrHistogram | Gil Tene | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Hibernate ORM | Sanne Grinovero | Supports JDK 15 for JDK 16 EA build 24 - Hibernate ORM: CI passed | ||||
Hibernate Validator | Sanne Grinovero | Hibernate Validator: CI passed with JDK 16 b24 | ||||
Hibernate Search | Sanne Grinovero | Supports JDK 15 for JDK 16 EA build 24 - Hibernate Search: CI passed | ||||
Hibernate Reactive | Sanne Grinovero | Hibernate Reactive: CI passed with JDK 16 b24 | ||||
HyperSQL Database (HSQLDB) | Fred Toussi | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
Ikonli | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | ||||
Jackson | Tatu Saloranta | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
JaCoCo | Evgeny Mandrikov | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - JaCoCo 0.8.5 we support JDK 15 , Test JDK 16 EA b24 -JaCoCo tests are green on current Java 16 HEAD. | ||||
JaCoLine | Chris Newland | JaCoLine - support OpenJDK 6 to 16. | ||||
Javassist | Shigeru Chiba | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
JavaEWAH | Daniel Lemire | |||||
Java Katas | Chandra Guntur | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - https://travis-ci.org/github/c-guntur/java-katas No issues found, ran builds for: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 16-ea+24-1553) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 16-ea+24-1553, mixed mode, sharing) | ||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
JavaLite | Igor Polevoy | Support for JDK 15 in the future, planning to test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
Java Native Access (JNA) | Matthias Bläsing | We have tested JDK 16 EA Build | ||||
JBoss Tools / Developer Studio | Josef Kopriva | |||||
Jenkins | Kohsuke Kawaguchi | JDK 15 - We did some smoke compatibility tests only JDK 16 - no confirmed plans in the community. We plan to test JDK versions towards the next LTS release | ||||
JFreeChart | David Gilbert | JFreeChart 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT. 2,182 & Orson Charts 2.0 - #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
JFreeSVG | David Gilbert | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
JFreePDF | David Gilbert | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
JHipster | Matt Raible | We support JDK 15 - link | ||||
JITWatch | Chris Newland | #WorksFineOnJDK9. JITWatch tested against head of JDK16 GitHub repo | ||||
JLine | Guillaume Nodet | |||||
JobRunr | Ronald Dehuysser | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds I also tested it on JDK 16 (with project loom) and all is ok! | ||||
JOGL/JogAmp | Sven Gothel | |||||
Jooby | Edgar Espina | |||||
jOOQ | Lukas Eder | #WorksFineOnJDK9 jOOQ 3.12 with official support for Java 11: jOOQ 3.15 will add support for JDK 15 & JDK 16 jOOQ 3.15 - Tried with JDK 16 as well now. I haven't discovered any issues | ||||
JBoss-Forge | Ivan St Ivanov | JDK 15 Support in planning. | ||||
JSilhouette | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | ||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
JUnit 5 | Marc Philipp | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 ,#AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 #TestsAreStillGreenOnJDK15 JUnit 5 requires JDK 15 to build, runs checks on JDK 16-ea+20 and still | ||||
Kotlin | Alexander Udalov | Supports JDK 15, plans to supports JDK 16 | ||||
Lillith | Jörn Huxhorn |
| #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||
Logback | Ceki Gülcü | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
LWJGL | Ionannis Tsakpinis | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Micrometer | Tommy Ludwig | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/micrometer-metrics/micrometer All test green on JDK 15 & JDK 16 b17 with Micrometer 1.5.x build | ||||
Micronaut | Graeme Rocher | Tweeted support for JDK 14 | ||||
Mockito | Rafael Winterhalter | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 ,#AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Mockito 3.3.3 We support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
MyBatis | Iwao Ave | https://travis-ci.org/github/mybatis/mybatis-3 Supports JDK 15, we have tested JDK 16 EA Build : Looks green so far. | ||||
Netty | Norman Maurer | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Objenesis | Henri Tremblay | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14. We support JDK 15. We plan JDK 16 support | ||||
Orson Charts | David Gilbert | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Orson Charts 2.0. We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16. | ||||
oVirt engine | Roy Golan | |||||
Parallel Collectors | Grzegorz Piwowarek | Actively testing using GitHub actions against a few versions of JDK: here Support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
PDFsam | Andrea Vacondio | https://travis-ci.org/torakiki/pdfsam #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 PDFsam - All green in PDFsam with JDK 16 latest versions. | ||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
PicoCLI | Remko Popma | #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Picocli 4.2.0 JDK 16 EA Build : - this build currently fails because of no Gradle support. | ||||
PMD | Andreas Dangel | |||||
ProGuard | Eric Lafortune | JDK 16 - not yet, but we plan to test JDK 16 EA builds in the future | ||||
QDox | Robert Scholte | |||||
RabbitMQ | Arnaud Cogoluègnes | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | ||||
Rapidoid | Nikolche Mihajlovski | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Ratpack | Luke Daley | |||||
RedHat Infinispan | Galder Zamerreno | |||||
RedHat Wildfly | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 We confirm that our WildFly community project works on JDK13 without any issues. | |||||
Reflections | Ron Mamo | |||||
restrict-imports-enforcer-rule | Simon Taddiken | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Roaring | Daniel Lemire | |||||
RxJava | David Karnok | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11. We support JDK 15. RxJava 3.0.8 snapshot run JDK 16b24 - Windows 10 x64 -Target 15: Compile OK, Tests: OK, Target 16: Not supported by IDEs yet | ||||
Scala Team, Lightbend | Jason Zaugg | |||||
semantic-version | Simon Taddiken | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 b24 | Comments |
SLF4J | Ceki Gülcü | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Sejda | Andrea Vacondio | https://travis-ci.org/github/torakiki/sejda #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 JDK 16 b24- all green in Sejda. | ||||
SonarQube | Nicolas Peru | |||||
Spotbugs | Andrey Loskutov | #WorksFineOnJDK9 We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16. | ||||
Spring Framework | Juergen Hoeller | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 Spring Framework 5.2.5 supports JDK 14 | ||||
Susel | Uday Tatiraju | #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | ||||
Thermostat | Severin Gehwolf | |||||
Travis CI | Mathias Meyer | |||||
Vaadin | Matti Tahvonen | |||||
VAVR | Daniel Dietrich | |||||
VMOptionsExplorer | Chris Newland | VMOptionsExplorer - support OpenJDK 6 to 16. | ||||
Woodstox | Tatu Saloranta | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Xtext | Sven Efftinge | |||||
Xtend | Sven Efftinge | |||||
XStream | Jörg Schaible | |||||
ZXing | Sean Owen | we do not plan to test JDK 16 EA builds |