3D Features Planned for Version 8
This page presents the list of 3D features schedule for JavaFX 8.0. This information was presented at this year JavaOne as part of the 3D Made Easy with JavaFX technical session.
Three umbrella JIRA issues were created to capture most of this work: Movable Camera , 3D Geometry, and 3D Attributes
Proposed Features
Movable cameras and SubScene
- Camera is now a Node
- Camera can be added to a scene graph
- Camera's position and aim (or orientation) is set using standard Node transform properties and methods
- For backward compatibility, fixed camera need not be added to the scene
- Added new properties for near & far clipping plane
- SubScene is a special Node for scene separation
- It can be used to render part of the Scene with different camera
- Possible use cases are:
- Picture in picture
- Overlay or "heads-up" display for UI controls in a scene with a moving camera
Camera Class Hierarchy
Content Tools