How do I configure my full name?
$ git config --global "Full Name"
How do I configure my email?
$ git config --global ""
How do I configure my text editor?
$ git config --global core.editor "vim"
Do you know of any aliases that are useful?
Glad you asked! Please see Aliases for a couple of aliases that can be useful.
How do I clone a repository?
$ git clone <URL>
How do I clone using SSH?
Make sure you have uploaded an SSH key to your GitHub account and then run:
$ git clone
For example, to clone the jdk repository over SSH:
$ git clone
If you don't want to type
every time, add an entry to your SSH configuration.
How should I structure my local clones of repositories?
A common way of structuring local repositories is by following the domain name and path convention. For an example, see below:
$ tree . ├── git │ └── │ ├── edvbld │ │ ├── jdk │ │ └── loom │ └── openjdk │ ├── jdk │ ├── loom │ └── valhalla └── hg └── ├── code-tools │ └── jtreg └── jdk └── jdk
Can I have multiple local clones of a repository?
Yes, this is supported, supply a second argument to git clone
stating the directory name of the local repository:
$ git clone <URL> <DIRECTORY>
How do I create a local branch?
$ git checkout -b <NAME-OF-BRANCH>
If you are using Git version 2.24 or newer you can also use the command: git switch --create <NAME-OF-BRANCH>
What should I name my local branches?
A common way of structuring your local branches is to name them after the issue they correspond to, for example JDK-8237566.
How do I list local branches?
$ git branch JDK-8237566 * JDK-8149128 JDK-8077146 master
The currently checked out branch has an asterisk ("*") next to it.
How do I visualize branches in a graph?
$ git log --format=oneline --graph --all
How do I switch to another branch?
$ git checkout <NAME-OF-OTHER-BRANCH>
If you are using Git version 2.24 or newer you can also use the command: git switch <NAME-OF-OTHER-BRANCH>
Can I have different branches checked out in different local clones of the same remote repository?
Yes, this is supported. If you prefer to have one local repository per issue you are working on, then you would have a local repository and a local branch per issue you are working on. For example:
$ git clone<USERNAME>/jdk JDK-8123456 $ cd JDK-8123456 $ git checkout -b JDK-8123456
To create the first local repository representing the work on issue JDK-8123456. To create a second local repository for JDK-8654321, run:
$ git clone<USERNAME>/jdk JDK-8654321 $ cd JDK-8654321 $ git checkout -b JDK-8654321
How do I push a local branch to a remote repository?
$ git push --set-upstream <REPOSITORY> <LOCAL-BRANCH>
For example, if the repository you want to push corresponds to the remote named origin and your local branch is named JDK-8123456, you would run the following command:
$ git push --set-upstream origin JDK-8123456
If you are using the Skara CLI tools then and have the branch you want to publish currently checked out, then you can just run the command git publish
How do I setup two-factor authentication (2FA)?
How do I generate a personal access token (PAT)?
Go to and and click on "Generate new token"
How do I upload an SSH key to my GitHub account?
Personal Forks
What is a personal fork?
A personal fork is a copy of another repository with one major difference:
- you can use a pull request to suggest that some changes from your personal fork should be incorporated into the original repository the fork was created from
How do I create a personal fork?
- If you are using a web browser, see
- If you are using GitHub Desktop, see
- If you are using GitHub CLI, see
- If you are using the Skara CLI tools, see CLI Tools#Creatingapersonalfork
How do I sync my personal fork with the original repository it was created from?
Assuming you have a local clone of your personal fork and you are using the Skara CLI tools:
$ git sync
If you also want to sync your personal fork and your local clone of your personal fork and you are using the Skara CLI tools you can run:
$ git sync --fast-forward
If you do not have the Skara CLI tools installed and you have a local clone of your personal fork, you need to the following steps:
$ git remote add upstream <URL-FOR-ORIGINAL-OPENJDK-REPOSITORY> $ # for each branch you want to sync $ git checkout <BRANCH> $ git pull upstream <BRANCH> $ git push origin <BRANCH>
Pull Requsts
What is a pull request?
A pull request is a way to suggest that some changes from a personal fork should be incorporated into the original repository the personal fork was created from. Reviewers can comment upon and need to approve a pull request before it can be integrated. The concept of a pull request is very similar to OpenJDK's concept of "RFR" emails - both are used to suggest changes and offer a way for reviewers to provide feedback on the suggested changes.
How do I create a pull request?
- If you are using a web browser, see
- If you are using GitHub Desktop, see
- If you are using GitHub CLI, see
- If you are using the Skara CLI tools, see CLI Tools#Creatingapullrequest
How do I generate an SSH key?
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
Note: pick a strong password for your key. You will not have to type your password every time you want to use your SSH key if you use the SSH agent.
How do I add an SSH key to my GitHub account?
How do I get around having to type my password every time I want to use my SSH key?
You use the ssh-agent. An ssh-agent should already be running if you are using GNU/Linux, macOS or Windows 10 (since version 1803). To add a key to the ssh-agent
, run ssh-add
$ ssh-add /path/to/the/private/key
If you want the key to exist in the ssh-agent
only for a limited time, use the -t
(for timeout) option:
$ ssh-add -t SECONDS /path/to/the/private/key
How do I list keys added to the ssh-agent?
$ ssh-add -l
How do I remove a key I added to the ssh-agent?
$ ssh-add -d /path/to/public/key
Note: if the only difference in filenames between the private key and the public key is that the public key ends in .pub
, then you can use the path to private key in the above command as well.
GitHub SSH URLs are cumbersome to type, can I make them shorter?
Yes, by adding a host alias for in your SSH configuration file ~/.ssh/config
. Add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config
Host github gh User git Hostname
You can now clone from GitHub using the aliases listed after Host
$ git clone $ git clone github:openjdk/jdk $ git clone gh:openjdk/jdk
Can I see the currently checked out local branch in my prompt?
Yes, add the following to your ~/.bashrc
git_branch() { BRANCH="$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)" if [ "${BRANCH}" != "" ]; then printf " (${BRANCH}) " else printf "" fi } PS1="${PS1}\$(git_branch)"
For more information on how to customize your Bash prompt, see the Arch Linux wiki for a good reference. For more Git information in your prompt, see contrib/completion/
Can I get auto-completion for git commands?
Yes, on all of GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows this is provided out of the box when you install Git. If you want to install auto-completion manually, run the following commands:
$ curl -o ~/.git-completion.bash $ echo 'source $HOME/.git-completion.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
Can I see the currently checked out local branch in my prompt?
Yes, add the following to your ~/.zshrc
autoload -Uz vcs_info precmd_vcs_info() { vcs_info } precmd_functions+=( precmd_vcs_info ) setopt prompt_subst PROMPT="$PROMPT\$vcs_info_msg_0_" zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats ' (%b) ' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git
For more information, see the Pro Git book on Zsh.
Can I get auto-completion for git commands?
Yes, Zsh ships with auto-completion for Git out of the box. Enable auto-completion by adding the following line to ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'autoload -Uz compinit && compinit' >> ~/.zshrc
Can I get Git information in Emacs?
Yes, see the package Magit.
Can I interact with GitHub from Emacs?
Yes, see the package Forge.
Can I get Git information in Vim?
Yes, see the plugin vim-fugitive. If you want to see the files that have been changed compared to HEAD
in the "gutter" (sign column), see vim-gitgutter.
Can I interact with GitHub from Vim?
Visual Studio Code
Can I get Git information in Visual Studio Code?
Yes, Visual Studio code has built-in support for Git. For details, see the Visual Studio Code documentation.
Can I interact with GitHub from Visual Studio Code?
Yes, see the plugin GitHub Pull Requests.