This page contains some tips and tricks for working with Mercurial in the JMC Project for Committers.
Getting Started
- First install Mercurial (different on different platforms)
- Next ensure that you have an OpenJDK user (
If you need an OpenJDK user name and/or generate a key, follow instructions here: - Next install the defpath plug-in (
- Next create a ~/.hgrc file and fill it out according to the example below.
Next clone the JMC source:
hg clone
Example minimal .hgrc file:
username = youropenjdkname <>
defpath = /usr/local/bin/hgext/
username = youropenjdkname
Example, more comprehensive, .hgrc file:
username = youropenjdkname <your.mailaddress@example>
merge = p4merge
editor = nano
defpath = /usr/local/bin/hgext/
hgext.extdiff =
cmd.p4diff = /Applications/
vdiff = p4diff
p4merge.priority = 100
p4merge.premerge = True
p4merge.gui = True
p4merge.args = $base $local $other $output
p4merge.diffargs = $parent $child
p4merge.diff3args = $child $parent1 $parent2
p4merge.dirdiff = False
p4merge.checkchanged = True
username = youropenjdkname
changeset = JMC-: <synopsis-of-symptom>\nSummary: <summary-of-codechange>\nReviewed-by: <reviewer>\n{desc}\n\n
HG: Enter commit message. Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
HG: {extramsg}
HG: --
HG: user: {author}\n{ifeq(p2rev, "-1", "",
"HG: branch merge\n")
}HG: branch '{branch}'\n{if(activebookmark,
"HG: bookmark '{activebookmark}'\n") }{subrepos %
"HG: subrepo {subrepo}\n" }{file_adds %
"HG: added {file}\n" }{file_mods %
"HG: changed {file}\n" }{file_dels %
"HG: removed {file}\n" }{if(files, "",
"HG: no files changed\n")}
You may also want to set up so that you can use p4merge for merging and diffing, and also use a template for commits.
If the change comes from a non-Author, don't forget to set "Contributed-by:".
To diff using p4merge, simply use the command:
hg p4diff
To initialise defpath, after installed and configured, run:
hg defpath -d
Send either a unified diff or a webrev to the mailing list
Webrev short hand:
ksh /usr/local/bin/webrev.ksh → generates the webrev
rsync -avz <folder (named as the bugid) containing the rev> <openjdkid>
Getting and applying a patch from a webrev:
# Update your local clone
hg pull
hg update
# Download the patch
cd <some folder>
# Apply the patch
hg import --no-commit <some folder>/jmc.patch