LW2 is an iteration of previous prototype, adding further language support and JDK API support for "inline-types" (formerly referred to as "value types"). There are also subtle type system, runtime and JIT changes
Javac source support:
- Requires source level >= JDK13 (since LW2, the prototype is based on mainline JDK, whose version string is JDK 14 at the time of writing)
- A class declaration of inline type is made by using the "inline class" modifier, or (for IDE syntax parsing convenience) with "@__inline__" annotation (since LW2)
- Interfaces, annotation types, enums can not be inline types
- Top level, inner, nested, local classes may be inline types. Inline types may declare inner, nested, local types
- Inline Types are implicitly final, so cannot be abstract
- Inline Types may not declare an explicit super class (except Object). They implicitly extend java.lang.Object akin to enums, annotation types and interfaces
- Inline Types may declare explicit interfaces
- Inline Types constructors may not pass the "this" handle until all instance fields are definitely assigned.
- All instance fields of a inline class are implicitly final
- Inline types may not to declare fields of its own type directly.
- There is a method to do this "indirectly" using the "?" operator, but it's value is still final. (since LW2)
- "Indirect" projections of inline types via the "?" operator (since LW2)
- maintains type of a field, array element, or generic parametric argument, but they may be null
- cast between inline type and indirect type
- Is implicitly a "NullableType"
- enables compatibility with current generics via erasure to null-object object references
- Arrays subtyping relationships: InlineType[] <: IndirectType[] <: Object[] <: Object
- Widening conversions may be carried out from in the order above
- Narrowing from an array of IndirectType to an InlineType is not possible.
- This array covariance enables compatibility with existing API, especially generic type erasure
- java.lang.Object methods:
- javac automatically generates hashCode, equals, longHashCode and toString computed solely from the instance's state and not from its identity
- javac does not clone(), finalize(), wait*), notify*() on inline type receivers
- javac allows comparison of inline type using ==, != (since LW2)
- By default this implies a test in the instance state (i.e. field by field "substitutability" test), as inline type have no identity (i.e. not a reference test).
- Inline Types can not be assigned null, null can not be cast to or compared with inline types
- With the exception if an "indirect" reference using the "?" operator. (since LW2)
- Indirect Types cannot be type arguments in generic type parameterizations, type witnesses in generic method invocations, wildcard bounds
- With the exception if an "indirect" reference using the "?" operator. (since LW2)
- Type migration, including partial recompilation is not supported.
Java APIs:
- Class new /modified API:
- isInlineClass()
- asPrimaryType()
- asIndirectType() / isIndirectType()
- asNullableType() / isNullableType()
- getName() reflects the Q or L type signatures for arrays of inline types (since LW2)
- newInstance() on a inline type throws NoSuchMethodException
- setAccessible() on a inline type throws InaccessibleObjectException
- Initial core Reflection and VarHandles support in place (since LW2)
- Attempts to build Reference objects with inline type will result in IllegalArgumentException
- IllegalMonitorException thrown on attempts to synchronize or call wait(*) or notify*() on a inline type
- ClassCircularityError thrown if loading an instance field of a inline type which declares its own type either directly
- Attempts to serialize inline type will throw NotSerializableException
- Cast from indirect type to inline type may result in NullPointerException (since LW2)
- Attempts to store "null" into Inline type array will throw NullPointerException
- Where as null into indirect type array works as normal (since LW2)
Limitations for LW2
This is still a prototype with a lot of components ignored.
- platforms: x64 Linux, x64 Mac OS X, and x64 Windows
- no support for atomic fields containing indirect types
- no support for @Contended inline type fields
- no AOT, CDS, ZGC, serviceability agent, JVMTI, limited JNI
- -Xint and C2 only, no C1, no tiered-compilation, no Graal
- unsafe field and array accessor APIs are not supported for inline types
- low-level unsafe APIs are UNSAFE and will not be changed to support inline types
- risks: If a inline type has been flattened in a container, unsafe does not know the layout
- getObject could return the first flattened element rather than the expected reference
- interpreter is not optimized, focus is on JIT optimization
- Some major changes to JIT compiler are still a work in progress
Future Possibilities
- LW2 updates:
- fix bugs, add optimizations and support for additional minor features
- experimenting further with "=="
- LWX:
- Addition of significant feature support
- Addition of language level syntax and semantics
- Eventually a preview with an openjdk release
- Expect specialized generics and support for primitives as inline types will have their own early access cycles
How to Try L-World Inline Types
Target Audience
- Power users - Java/JVM Language, Framework, Library authors/experts
- who are comfortable with early experimental software
- who recognize that everything in the experiment - the model, the classfile extensions, the byte codes is likely to change
- who want to contribute to early exploration of Inline Types
- who will not build any products based on these prototypes
- Who are willing to provide feedback to the developers on a subset of Inline Type features
- Who will provide use cases for the development team to experiment with optimizations
Early Access Binaries
Change log:
- jdk-14-valhalla+1-8 (20190628)
- Initial LW2 prototype
Repository and Build Instructions
To create a new local repository, based on "lworld" branch:
hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/valhalla valhalla-lworld
cd valhalla-lworld
hg defpath du <openjdkname>
hg update -r lw2 // name of branch
To update repository:
cd valhalla-lworld
hg pull
hg update -r lw2 // name of branch
To build repository
bash configure
make images
Instructions for working with branch repositories: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/sandbox.html
Note: Valhalla is a child of the jdk/jdk repository, to keep current with latest OpenJDK development.
Programming Model
A note on "?" operator and indirect projects
This is really only the beginning of a compatibility story, there is more to come (e.g. "null-default inline types"). Today it is a stop gap measure to enable use of current generics, until we get real generic specialization in place. New code should avoid indirect "?" like the plague and only use it for interfacing with code that must deal with "null" (e.g. current generics with type erasure). A good performance story does not exist for indirect, and it is not likely to improve too much in the future.
Run Experimental L-World
- java <Test>
- Further experimental flags can be found here
Helpful Feedback Please
This is intended as an early prototype to give you a chance to experiment and provide feedback on the currently supported features.
Please ensure you are on the latest EA binaries before reporting a problem.
Bugs are tracked in JIRA: Start summary with /[lworld/] and label "lworld". You can search for known problems or already reported bugs.
Send email to valhalla-dev@openjdk.java.net
- Use cases that worked for you, including any positive performance or footprint information
- Bugs or questions about surprise behavior
- We have performance holes, if you have problem, please provide a use case for us to consider
Too Early for Feedback
This is intended as an early prototype to give you a chance to experiment and provide feedback on the currently supported features.
At this time it would premature to provide feedback on
- Language syntax
- Problems already listed under Limitations