Welcome to JDK 11 Updates!
JDK 11 updates are part of the JDK updates project of the OpenJDK. Rob McKenna serves as the Project Lead. The list of Reviewers, Committers, and Authors can be found in the jdk updates of the OpenJDK Census.
- Andrew Haley (Lead Maintainer)
Processes and Infrastructure
JDK 11 updates will be delivered in a quarterly cyle. Usually releases happen mid of January, April, July and October.
Update fixes are collected in the jdk11u-dev repository and update releases will be stabilized in the jdk11u repository. At the beginning of a release cycle, the jdk11u-dev repository will be tagged with jdk11.0.x+0, where x is a placeholder for the update release. At a certain point in time a release cycle enters ramp down phase 2 (RDP2) and jdk11u-dev will be transported to jdk11u. In jdk11u, stabilization is done by (only) accepting high priority or test fixes. jdk11u will be tagged on a weekly basis, when new changesets have been pushed. The tags will have the format of jdk11.0.x+n, where x is a placeholder for the update release and n is the monotonically increasing build number. At the release day, security changes that have been collected in a secure environment and tested internally at Red Hat will be merged into jdk11u and the final tags jdk11.0.x+n and jdk11.0.x-ga will be set. Each tag that gets set in jdk11u will be integrated back to jdk11u-dev in a timely manner.
Fix Approvals and Push Policy
In general we follow the common rules for the jdk-updates project.
Changes that get approved (via the jdk11u-fix-yes label) have to be pushed to the jdk11u-dev repository. Those changes will then reach the next JDK 11 update release that has not yet reached RDP2 phase.
If a requester thinks that a fix should reach the current JDK update release when it is already in RDP2 phase, then he needs to explicitly state this in the "Fix Request" comment and provide some reasoning for that. The approver will then decide and give the according directions. If and only if the approver explicitly approves a fix for RDP2, it may be pushed to the jdk11u repository. Eligible candidates for RDP2 exceptions would be fixes that Oracle has brought to their correspondent JDK11u release, fixes for high priority issues and test fixes. In the very last days before the release date, we won't accept any pushes to jdk11u in order to have the maintainers of the security fixes finish up their closed testing.
Fix Requests
[Outstanding requests] [All Requests] [All Approved] [Approved requests without push]
JDK 11.0.3 timeline
- Late February 2019 RDP2
- Early April 2019 RC phase (code freeze)
- Mid April 2019 GA
JDK 11.0.4 timeline
- March 2019 jdk11u-dev forest open
- Late May 2019 RDP2
- Early July 2019 RC phase (code freeze)
- Mid July 2019 GA
JDK 11.0.5 timeline
- June 2019 jdk11u-dev forest open
- Late August 2019 RDP2
- Early October 2019 RC phase (code freeze)
- Mid October 2019 GA
Advanced JBS filters
The filters will only work for users that are logged into JBS.
Open Downports Oracle -> OpenJDK: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36366
Additional commits in OpenJDK vs. Oracle: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36414
Open Downports Oracle -> OpenJDK: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36409
Additional commits in OpenJDK vs Oracle: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36457
Open Downports Oracle -> OpenJDK: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36515
Additional commits in OpenJDK vs Oracle: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/issues/?filter=36514