Adoption Group
The adoption group was formed out of the global Java User Group (JUG) Adopt OpenJDK programme. A majority of the original programme is expected to be folded up into this adoption group over time.
Sign Up!
You can join in the discussions and activities of this group in the following ways:
- adoption-discuss - mailing list
- - IRC channel
Mission Statement
"To promote and support community involvement in the development, adoption and evangelism of OpenJDK projects"
Sustainable and Scalable
The Adoption group aims to fulfil that Mission Statement in a sustainable and scalable manner. The adoption group will likely focus on helping educate new contributors with regards to submitting relevant, high quality patches and supporting existing projects and groups with documentation, infrastructure and evangelism efforts.
Specific Goals
The adoption group aims to:
- Lower technical barriers, allowing more developers, JUGs and organisations to get involved in OpenJDK
- Improve the quality of Java (the language and the platform) with a focus on testing and clearing technical debt
- Promote OpenJDK in the wider Java community
- Broaden the base of contributors to OpenJDK
The Adoption Group has several initiatives on the go, a representative sample is below:
- Getting Started Kit - A large guide for developers new to OpenJDK.
- New Contributor - A guide on how to submit a patch to OpenJDK as a new contributor.
- Developers Guide - For OpenJDK developers.
- Quality Outreach - An initiative to involve the Java/JVM F/OSS ecosystem to test OpenJDK.
- JDK 9 Outreach - A quick guide to readying your code to test it with JDK 9.
- Hackdays - Physical or Virtual get togethers to work on OpenJDK projects.
Although not an official OpenJDK project, most Adoption Group members are involved in the new shared build farm for OpenJDK at This build farm and infrastructure as code will allow OpenJDK developers to build and test OpenJDK on as many versions, variants and platforms as possible.
As with any organisation, there's always some housekeeping.