If you want to add a repository or a forest to JDK 7 Updates, you MUST describe to the Technical Lead why, who'll be syncing it, when and how it should it populated, and how code would flow in and out of it. Decisions on adding or removing repositories and forests in OpenJDK MUST be made on the jdk7u-dev mailing list.
Rule 0
The mainline forest is called jdk7u. For specific releases, forests are called jdk7uN, with N being the release version. Integration forests have the suffix '-dev'.
Rule 1
jdk7u - Master. The master SHOULD always be buildable on all release platforms. It is used for builds by RE and for testing by SQE. The push rights to the master forest are only available to a limited set of Committers chosen by the Project Lead or the Technical Lead.
The OpenJDK JDK 7 Updates master forest is located at
Rule 2
jdk7u-dev - Integration - always-open mainline forest. Integration schedule is TBD, and will be published on the Project's web page. The push rights to the integration forest are available to current JDK 7 Committers.
The OpenJDK JDK 7 Updates integation forest is located at
Rule 3
jdk7uN - (where N is not a Critical Patch Update (aka CPU)) Master for a specific release N. It will be created on demand once we go into Phase 2 for that release. The push rights to the release forest are available to a limited set of Committers chosen by the Project Lead or the Technical Lead.
For example, a Phase 2 master forest for JDK 7 Update 2 in OpenJDK, once it gets created, will be located at