The OpenFX 8u40 release is aimed at stabilization and the following two new features: Accessibility, New Controls.
During 8u20, Accessibility was prototyped with the intention of add the feature to OpenJFX 9. The work went well and the release date was moved forward.
OpenJFX was missing a few high value controls. These are Spinner, FormattedText and Alert Dialogs. Spinner is a control that is found in most modern UI toolkits. FormattedText (or adding the ability to filter and format a regular text control) is important for business applications. Standard Alert dialogs are common in most UI toolkits and also essential for business applications.
Development repo: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8u-dev/rt
Sanity Testing / Weekly Code Freeze
Weekly sanity testing is performed to catch errors early. During this time, the repo is "frozen". See Sanity Testing for details.
Milestones are clean points where FX could be shipped. A milestone contains no P1 or P2 issues. Committers are encouraged to hold back significant changes just before a milestone to maximize stability.
Milestones occur at roughly 6 week intervals, starting and ending on a Tuesday. Extra emphasis is placed on testing the week before a milestone and on the Monday of the milestone.
Major Work Items:
- Accessibility
- Spinner, Formatted Text, Alert Dialogs
- RichTextEditor prototype
API Deadlines:
- Spinner - July 21
- Formatted Text - Aug 4
- Dialogs - Aug 11
- User Defined Normals - Aug 11
- Accessibility - Aug 18
M1: Aug 11, 2014
- Reduce bug count
- Fix critical bug deferred from 8 and 8u20
- Accessibility work (bug fixing, API work)
- Spinner completed (API, Javadoc, examples, Ensemble, FXML, SceneBuilder)
- Formatted text completed (API, Javadoc, examples, Ensemble, FXML, SceneBuilder)
- Alert Dialogs work (prototype. API work)
M2: Sept 15, 2014 [FF]
- Reduce bug count
- Fix critical bug deferred from 8 and 8u20
- Accessibility completed (API, Javadoc, examples, Ensemble, FXML, SceneBuilder)
- Alerts Dialogs completed (API, Javadoc, examples, Ensemble, FXML, SceneBuilder)
- xxx
M3: Oct 20, 2014
- Reduce bug count
- RichTextEditor prototype
- xxx
M4: Dec 1, 2014
- Reduce bug count
- RichTextEditor prototype
- xxxx