You'll find the first quarterly report for the Adoption Group below. Next one is due in July 2014.
Quarterly Report for Q1 2014
The Adoption Group was approved through a vote of the OpenJDK Governing Board in December 2013, with its infrastructure being established in January 2014.
It has a mailing list, a web site, a wiki and 7 Group Members, of which 6 have been active on the mailing list or contributed to the wiki in this quarter. In addition, 10 Participants have contributed to this Group's discussions in this quarter.
The Adoption Group has not voted on new Members, sponsored new Projects or published a quarterly report in this quarter.
Mailing list traffic
In total, 16 Participants have been active on the Group's mailing list in this quarter, posting 2 messages in January, 92 messages in February and 34 messages in March 2014, resulting in 128 messages in total.
Notable mailing list threads
In January, some Group Members planned to meet face to face at the FOSDEM conference in February. The minutes from that meeting were made available in February.
In February, the Group discussed a number of items from the FOSDEM meeting, like Summer of Code participation, metrics for quarterly reports, a mission statement, its web page and wiki, review and bug submission procedures, potential new Projects and IDE support for editing OpenJDK sources, as well as an Adoption Duke, new tools in the Code Tools Project and an update to JITWatch.
Finally, in March, the Group discussed a new Quality Outreach Wiki page, the OpenJDK server migration, the new JCov code coverage tool from the Code Tools Project, and submitting patches to OpenJDK. The latter discussion resulted in a new Wiki page guiding new contributors to their first steps and further resources. Last but not least, announcements of Early Access builds based on various OpenJDK Projects along with their regression test results started to be posted to the mailing list to encourage their further adoption and testing.
QA Outreach
As part of a QA outreach effort by this Group's Members, 18 FOSS Projects and their developers listed on the corresponding Wiki page have been regularly contacted to announce the availability of Early Access (EA) builds based on various OpenJDK Projects, and encouraged to report back any issues they found during their testing. With about two thirds of the contacted Projects regularly testing such EA builds, a number of issues could be found and fixed in time prior to a release.
In this quarter, developers from participating projects filed 12 new issues in the JDK Bug System, 9 of which could be resolved. 5 of the issues filed turned out to be P1 issues, like issue JDK-8032566 found by the Scala development team, issue JDK-8031572 found by the Apache Maven development team, and issue JDK-8031502 found by the Groovy development team.
All of these issues could be addressed in time for JDK 8 GA, and the most prolific testers were mentioned in Mark Reinhold's JDK 8 GA blog post.
Adoption Group Members led, organized and participated in a number of public events promoting community involvement in the development, adoption and evangelism of OpenJDK projects during this quarter.
In January, the LJC held an OpenJDK Hackday. OpenJDK Hackdays have been a regularly occuring event at the LJC in this quarter, with further events taking place in February and March. In addition, the LJC hosted an "Introduction to Java 8 java.time" presentation in February.
In February, some of the Group Members participated in a face to face meeting of the Adoption Group at the FOSDEM conference, and gave a presentation on Betterrev.
In March, the Javaland conference hosted an Early Adopters area with a focus on OpenJDK.
Wiki contributions
After an initial cleanup round of the Group's wiki page from legacy pages, 3 Group Members have created 3 new pages on this Group's wiki in this quarter, and updated one existing page. The new pages cover quarterly reports, a guide for new contributors, and the Group Members' QA outreach efforts. The Main page has been updated with a mission statement for the Adoption Group, after discussion on the mailing lists:
"To promote and support community involvement in the development, adoption and evangelism of OpenJDK projects"