This page contains brief and not precise description of how to upgrade
GLib/GStreamer 3-rd party libraries of JavaFX Media component.
[1] Start with the lower lever. It's glib. Linux doesn't need any glib update - we use the system glib. So glib update is necessary for Win/Mac.
[1.1] Latest glib has plenty of dependencies on other 3-rd party libraries. But there is one that's mandatory - libFFI. Fortunately Oracle has approval to use libFFI in it's products. But this probably isn't necessary for OpenJFX. So at you first step you need to bring libFFI sources, place them in rt/modules/media/src/main/native/gstreamer/3rd_party/libffi and make sure it builds on Windows and Mac producing lib/a for static linking. You can probably make dll/dylib instead but I don't think it's necessary.
[1.2] Take the latest glib 2.38 or even 2.40. Place them in rt/modules/media/src/main/native/gstreamer/3rd_party/glib Note that you don't need all sources/headers. But to remove precisely what's redundant you should first compile gstreamer/plugins. Here you make sure you can compile and build glib-lite.dll/libglib-lite.dylib Having done 1.2 you should be able to run media component with the new glib-lite.dll. If it runs then you're done with glib upgrade. It's important to apply fixes that we made in glib to the newer glib library. You can find them by grepping for GSTREAMER_LITE in sources/headers.
[2] GStreamer update... To be finished.
[3] Oracle plugins compilation/update... To be finished. This step will also be necessary because 0.10.35 API is different from 1.x
For Example GstBuffer that we extensively use has incompatible APIs.