Near-term action items:
- OMWorld (external object to ObjectMonitor mapping): Combine LM_PLACEHOLDER into LM_LIGHTWEIGHT
- The intention is that the OMWorld locking implementation will replace the Lightweigt locking. It will either go in with Lilliput or extracted into a separate, stand-alone RFE
- Note: this means that the OMWorld implementation will still be used when the user runs with `-XX:-UseCompactObjectHeaders`
- Owner: Axel
- Create a "patch queue" of all changes and maintain those patches as the top-most changes in
- This will help
- The "patch queue" will be rebased whenever the upstream (openjdk/jdk) is merged.
- This will use non-destructive rebasing with "git merge -s ours", which "forgets" the old "patch queue"
- Example patch queue:
* 4363dd8a1ef (HEAD -> lilliput-all, lilliput-stefank/lilliput-all) OMWorld Lilliput changes
* 916d0958a7f JDK-8325104: Lilliput: Shrink Classpointers
* 1346db1b546 Lilliput: Compact object headers
* 8fb10dc6f1d 8305898: Alternative self-forwarding mechanism
* 3726027944e 8305896: Alternative full GC forwarding
* c1f2dfb8735 OMWorld
* 998d0baab0f (tag: jdk-23+12, lilliput/jdk) 8324799: Use correct extension for C++ test headers
- Owner: Roman
Workable items:
+ Lilliput Repository
| <= + OMWorld Lilliput changes (Make UseCompactObjectHeaders imply LM_PLACEHOLDER)
| | <= Depends on OMWorld
| | <= Roman has initial patch
| | <= Stefan has a set on top of this
| | <= Maybe fold this into 'Lilliput: Compact object headers'
| <= + JDK-8325104: Lilliput: Shrink Classpointers (TinyCP)
| | <= Determine if 22-bit klass IDs are good enough
| | | <= For Experimental UseCompactObjectHeaders
| | | <= For productized UseCompactObjectHeaders
| | <= Maybe: Figure out if UseCompressedClassPointer should == UseCompactObjectHeaders
| | <= Figure out of hyperalignment is causing cache performance issues in anything other than microbenchmarks
| | <= Review CDS parts: Runtime
| | <= Review Metaspace parts: GC / Runtime
| | <= Review C2 parts. Esp. klass_offset_in_bytes and related discussion
| <= + Cleanups after 'Lilliput: Compact object headers'
| | <= Go over the GC code and clean out "safe" klass fetches.
| <= + Lilliput: Compact object headers
| | Review
| <= + 8305898: Alternative self-forwarding mechanism
| | <= Clean out preserved_marks for 32-bit JVMs
| | <= Review
| <= + 8305896: Alternative full GC forwarding
| | Review
| <= + OMWorld
| | <= + Monitor deflation heuristic
| | | <= Rewrite
| | | <= Interaction with ConcurrentHashTable sizing
| | <= + Decide C2 monitor cache layout
| | | <= should be loop unrolled or not
| | | <= size?
| | <= Cleanup code used for various experiments (after evaluation)
| | <= + Full platform support?
| | | <= Make non-primary platform call into Runtime until porters have added full support
| | | <= PPC (optional)
| | | <= RiscV (optional)
| | | <= s390 (optional)
| | | <= 32-bit arm (optional)
| | | <= x86 (optional)
+ Testing (after "patch queue" has been created)
| <= + Stability testing
| <= + Performance testing
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