FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
Akka, Lightbend | Patrik Nordwall | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
Angel-ML | Brucetao | ||||||
Apache Ant | Stefan Bodewig & Jaikiran Pai | #WorksFineOnJDK9 Ant project testsuite ran on a Linux setup against JDK 16 build 16+36-2231 (GA) and JDK 17 build 17-ea+13-1000. No issues found in both these runs. | |||||
Apache Aries CDI | Raymond Auge | https://github.com/apache/aries-cdi/actions/runs/125540570 All builds are green | |||||
Apache Aries JAX-RS | Raymond Auge | https://github.com/apache/aries-jax-rs-whiteboard/actions/runs/125109158 added JDK 16 release and JDK 17-ea to the Aries JAX-RS project build matrix and everything is green across the board. | |||||
Apache Camel | Andrea Cosentino | 3.4.0 is a LTS release that supports both JDK8 and JDK 11 https://builds.apache.org/view/C/view/Apache%20Camel/job/Camel%20JDK14/ JDK 15 - https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Camel/job/Camel%20JDK15/ | |||||
Apache Chemistry | Florian Muller | ||||||
Apache Commons | Benedikt Ritter | FYI I migrated most (around 20 of 30) of the Apache Commons build on github from 16-EA to 16. | |||||
Apache CXF | Andriy Redko | We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16. | |||||
Apache Derby | Rick Hillegas | #WorksFineOnJDK9 . We support JDK 15 - see here The Derby build/test cycle found no problems with the GA JDK 16 | |||||
Apache Hadoop | Akira Ajisaka |
| |||||
Apache HttpComponents | Gary Gregory | ||||||
Apache ISIS | Dan Haywood | ||||||
Apache JMeter | Philippe Mouawad | ||||||
Apache Kafka | Ismael Juma | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
Apache Karaf | Guillaume Nodet | ||||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
Apache Log4j | Gary Gregory | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
Apache Lucene & SOLR | Uwe Schindler Dawid Weiss | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 Lucene/Solr's CI servers are testing JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
Apache Maven | Robert Scholte | #WorksFineOnJDK9,#WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 Support JDK 15 & Test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
Apache MetaModel | Kasper Sorensen | ||||||
Apache Netbeans | Geertjan Wielenga | Use OpenJDK 12 EA b26 Phase 2 or higher and OpenJDK 11.0.2 | |||||
Apache PDFBox | Tilman Hausherr | builds.apache.org/job/PDFBox-Trunk-jdk9/ We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
Apache POI | Apache POI PMC | We plan to support JDK 15, also plan to add JDK 16 support. | |||||
Apache Syncope | Francesco Chicchiriccò | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Apache Syncope 3.0.0 We support JDK 15 & JDK 16 EA builds - JDK 17 EA testing here | |||||
Apache Tika | Tim Allison | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Apache Tomcat | Mark Thomas | Tomcat 9.0.x with JDK 15+36-1562 on x86_64 and aarch64. Apache Tomcat's build and tests pass successfully with JDK 16 16+36-2231 and 17-ea+13-1000 on both Linux x86_64 and aarch64! | |||||
Apache Wicket | Martin Grigorov | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK16#ApacheWicket Apache Wicket build and tests are green with JDK 16 build 16+36-2231 on both Linux x86_64 and aarch64!Same for JDK 17-ea+13-1000 ! | |||||
Apache Zookeeper | Enrico Olivelli | CI Links - here . Apart from the reported issue(Xdoclint) current ZooKeeper version builds and tests passes on latest JDK16-b24. ZooKeeper tests are passing on the latest JDK16-ea | |||||
Apereo CAS | Misagh Moayyed | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Apereo CAS 6.2.0. We support JDK 15, plan to test JDK 16 ea | |||||
ApprovalTests.Java | Llewellyn Falco Lars Eckart | https://approvaltests.com/ We test with JDK 8, 11, current GA and early access builds but do not make use of any APIs greater than JDK8 for compatibility reasons. | |||||
Arquillian | Aslak Knutsen | ||||||
AsciidoctorJ | Guillaume Grossetie | ||||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
AssertJ | Joel Costigliola, Alexander Bischof | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - AssertJ Core 3.15.0 | |||||
BlueJ | Michael Kölling | ||||||
Bnd | Raymond Auge | https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/actions/runs/114089797 https://bnd.bndtools.org/ | |||||
BootstrapFX | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | |||||
Burningwave | Roberto Gentili | All test are green: https://github.com/burningwave/core/actions/runs/690590059 | |||||
bt | Andrei Tomashpolskiy | ||||||
Byte Buddy | Rafael Winterhalter | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11. We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16 EA builds. Byte Buddy version 1.10.21 AllTestsGreenOnJDK16 Byte Buddy 1.10.22
| |||||
Byteman | Andrew Dinn | We support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
CheckStyle | Roman Ivanov | ||||||
Classworlds | Robert Scholte | ||||||
Clojure | Alex Miller | ||||||
CruiseControl | Kent Spillner | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , We support JDK 15. We'll test JDK 16 release, but not the EA builds | |||||
DataCleaner | Kasper Sorensen | ||||||
Debezium | Gunnar Morling | https://github.com/debezium/debezium/actions/runs/110863877 | |||||
DesktopPaneFX | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | |||||
EasyMock | Henri Tremblay | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 , We support JDK 15. We plan JDK 16 support. | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
Eclipse AspectJ | Andy Clement | AspectJ 1.9.5 is now available. It includes support for Java13. | |||||
Eclipse Collections | Nikhil J. Nanivadekar | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Eclipse Collections 10.2.0. Eclipse 10.4.0 is compatible with JDK-15-EA and JDK-16-EA JDK 16 b35 -all our tests are passing and pipelines are green! | |||||
Eclipse GEF | Alexander Nyssen | ||||||
Eclipse Jetty | Simone Bordet | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 Support JDK 15 , not yet testing JDK 16. | |||||
Eclipse Vert.x | Paulo Lopes | ||||||
Ehcache | Louis Jacomet | ||||||
EJBCA | info dot primekey dot se | ||||||
ElasticSearch | Ryan Ernst | #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 JDK 15 Support starting with version 7.9.2 JDK 16 not yet tested. | |||||
eo-yaml | Mihai Andronache | Github: Link. CI: Link. OpenJDK 16 tests We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds I can confirm from Travis CI that the build works fine on the latest OpenJDK 16: b35 | |||||
EqualsVerifier | Jan Ouwens | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 - version 3.0 supports JDK 11. We support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
FXGL | Almas Baimagambetov | No issues on JDK11, JDK 12, JDK 13, JDK 14. FXGL tests are also green on JDK 15 and JDK 16 b26 #FXGL 11.14 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK16 | |||||
FXGraphics2D | David Gilbert | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
FXyz | Sean Phillips Jose Pereda | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 FXyz works fine with JDK 15 and latest 16-ea+24. | |||||
Golo | Julien Ponge | ||||||
Gradle | Cedric Champeau | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Gradle 6.3 Supports JDK 15 with Gradle 6.7.1 we test JDK 16 EA builds. V7 is expected to support JDK 16 | |||||
GraphHopper | Peter Karich | #WorksFineOnJDK9, We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16 EA builds. RC1 - all seems fine | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
Greenfoot | Michael Kölling | ||||||
Griffon | Andres Almiray | The Griffon build does run with JDK15 but it does not make use of any APIs greater than JDK8 for compatibility reasons. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | |||||
Groovy | Cedric Champeau | Groovy 2.5.10 Support for JDK 14 | |||||
guice-async-extension | Simon Taddiken | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Hazelcast | Mehmet Dogan | ||||||
HdrHistogram | Gil Tene | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Hibernate ORM | Sanne Grinovero | Supports JDK 15 . Tested with version 5.4. Everything works fine with JDK 16 EA build 32. | |||||
Hibernate Validator | Sanne Grinovero | Tested with versions 6.1, 6.2 and 7.0. Everything works fine with JDK 16 EA build 32. | |||||
Hibernate Search | Sanne Grinovero | Supports JDK 15 .Tested with versions 5.11 & 6.0. Everything works fine with JDK 16 EA build 32. | |||||
Hibernate Reactive | Sanne Grinovero | Hibernate Reactive: Tested with version 1.0. Everything works fine with JDK 16 EA build 32. | |||||
HyperSQL Database (HSQLDB) | Fred Toussi | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
Ikonli | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | |||||
Jackson | Tatu Saloranta | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
JaCoCo | Evgeny Mandrikov | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - JaCoCo 0.8.5 we support JDK 15 . AFAIK our tests are still green on latest OpenJDK 16 and 17 Early Access builds. | |||||
JaCoLine | Chris Newland | JaCoLine - support OpenJDK 6 to 16. | |||||
Javassist | Shigeru Chiba | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
JavaEWAH | Daniel Lemire | ||||||
Java Katas | Chandra Guntur | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - https://travis-ci.org/github/c-guntur/java-katas Java Katas are green with Java 16 and JDK 17 EA b16. | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
JavaLite | Igor Polevoy | Support for JDK 15 in the future, planning to test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
Java Native Access JNA | Matthias Bläsing | We have tested JDK 16 EA Build | |||||
JBoss-Forge | Ivan St Ivanov | JDK 15 Support in planning. | |||||
JBoss Tools | Josef Kopriva | ||||||
Jenkins | Kohsuke Kawaguchi | JDK 15 - We did some smoke compatibility tests only JDK 16 - no confirmed plans in the community. We plan to test JDK versions towards the next LTS release | |||||
JFreeChart | David Gilbert | JFreeChart 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT. 2,182 & Orson Charts 2.0 - #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
JFreeSVG | David Gilbert | We support JDK 15 JFreeSVG 4.2 green with JDK 16 | |||||
JFreePDF | David Gilbert | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
JHipster | Matt Raible | We support JDK 15 - link | |||||
JITWatch | Chris Newland | #WorksFineOnJDK9. JITWatch tested against head of JDK16 GitHub repo | |||||
JLine | Guillaume Nodet | ||||||
JobRunr | Ronald Dehuysser | JobRunr is still running smoothly on JDK 16 GA I also tested it on JDK 16 (with project loom) and all is ok! | |||||
JOGL/JogAmp | Sven Gothel | ||||||
Jooby | Edgar Espina | ||||||
jOOQ | Lukas Eder | #WorksFineOnJDK9jOOQ 3.12 with official support for Java 11: jOOQ 3.15 will officially support JDK 14/15/16. | |||||
JSilhouette | Andres Almiray | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 No support for JDK 15 yet. Relies on Gradle for JDK 16 | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
JUnit 5 | Marc Philipp | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 ,#AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 #TestsAreStillGreenOnJDK15 JUnit5 is green for JDK 16 , same for JDK 17 | |||||
Kotlin | Alexander Udalov | Supports JDK 15, plans to supports JDK 16 | |||||
Lillith | Jörn Huxhorn |
| #WorksFineOnJDK9 | ||||
Logback | Ceki Gülcü | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
LWJGL | Ioannis Tsakpinis | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Micrometer | Tommy Ludwig | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/micrometer-metrics/micrometer All test green on JDK 15 & JDK 16 b17 with Micrometer 1.5.x build | |||||
Micronaut | Graeme Rocher | Tweeted support for JDK 14 | |||||
Mockito | Rafael Winterhalter | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 ,#AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Mockito 3.3.3 We support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
MyBatis | Iwao Ave | we have recently migrated our CI platform from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions - The new URL Supports JDK 15, verified that all tests passed on JDK 16 build 35. All MyBatis tests are passing on jdk 16 GA - CI (GitHub Actions).I could also verify that tests are passing with 17-ea (build 14) locally, but I had to use JaCoCo 0.8.7-SNAPSHOT for the build. | |||||
Netty | Norman Maurer | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Objenesis | Henri Tremblay | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14. We support JDK 15. We plan JDK 16 support | |||||
Orson Charts | David Gilbert | #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Orson Charts 2.0. We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16. | |||||
oVirt | Roy Golan | ||||||
Parallel Collectors | Grzegorz Piwowarek | Actively testing using GitHub actions against a few versions of JDK: here Support JDK 15 and test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
PDFsam | Andrea Vacondio | https://travis-ci.org/torakiki/pdfsam #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 PDFsam - all tests are green in PDFsam with this version- b28 | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
PicoCLI | Remko Popma | #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11. #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 - Picocli 4.2.0 JDK 16 EA Build : - this build currently fails because of no Gradle support. | |||||
Piranha Cloud | Thiago Henrique Hüpner | Github link: https://github.com/piranhacloud/piranha/ #AllTestsGreenOnJDK16 | |||||
PMD | Andreas Dangel | PMD 6.32.0 - brings support for Java 16. | |||||
ProGuard | Eric Lafortune | JDK 16 - not yet, but we plan to test JDK 16 EA builds in the future | |||||
QDox | Robert Scholte | ||||||
RabbitMQ | Arnaud Cogoluègnes | We support JDK 15 & test JDK 16 EA builds | |||||
Rapidoid | Nikolche Mihajlovski | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
Ratpack | Luke Daley | ||||||
RedHat Infinispan | Galder Zamerreno | ||||||
RedHat Wildfly | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 We confirm that our WildFly community project works on JDK13 without any issues. | ||||||
Reflections | Ron Mamo | ||||||
restrict-imports-enforcer-rule | Simon Taddiken | #WorksFineOnJDK9, #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Roaring | Daniel Lemire | ||||||
RxJava | David Karnok | #WorksFineOnJDK9 , #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11. We support JDK 15. RxJava 3.0.8 snapshot run JDK 16 b26 - Windows 10 x64 -Target 15: Compile OK, Tests: OK, Target 16: Not supported by IDEs yet RxJava 3.0.11 - Target 15: Compile - OK, Tests - OK Target 16: not supported by Gradle yet | |||||
Scala Team, Lightbend | Jason Zaugg | ||||||
semantic-version | Simon Taddiken | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
FOSS | Contact | OpenJDK 11.0.6 | OpenJDK 14.0.2 | OpenJDK 15 GA | OpenJDK 16 GA | OpenJDK 17 EA b16 | Comments |
SLF4J | Ceki Gülcü | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
Sejda | Andrea Vacondio | https://travis-ci.org/github/torakiki/sejda. #AllTestsGreenOnJDK14 JDK 16 b28 - all green in Sejda. | |||||
Selenide | Andrei Solntsev | No plans to test | No plans to test | OpenJDK 8 & OpenJDK 11- green, OpenJDK 17.ea.16-open - yellow (all tests are green, but we don't run them regularly yet) | |||
SonarQube | Nicolas Peru | ||||||
Spotbugs | Andrey Loskutov | #WorksFineOnJDK9 We support JDK 15. We test JDK 16. | |||||
Spring Framework | Juergen Hoeller | #WorksFineOnJDK9 #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 Spring Framework 5.2.5 supports JDK 14 | |||||
Susel | Uday Tatiraju | #WorksLikeHeavenOnJDK11 | |||||
Thermostat | Severin Gehwolf | ||||||
Travis CI | Mathias Meyer | ||||||
Vaadin | Matti Tahvonen | You can also mark JDK 17 EA, it's passing perfectly in our build | |||||
VAVR | Daniel Dietrich | ||||||
VMOptionsExplorer | Chris Newland | VMOptionsExplorer - support OpenJDK 6 to 16. | |||||
Woodstox | Tatu Saloranta | #WorksFineOnJDK9 | |||||
XStream | Jörg Schaible | ||||||
Xtext | Sven Efftinge | ||||||
Xtend | Sven Efftinge | ||||||
ZXing | Sean Owen | we do not plan to test JDK 16 EA builds |