FOSS | Contact | Mailing List | JDK 8u152 b05 | JDK 9 b181 | JDK 9 Ready | JDK 9 Ready Links/Comments | CI Link or Testing link |
Apache Ant | Stefan Bodewig | dev @ ant dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Chemistry | Florian Muller | dev @ chemistry dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Commons | Benedikt Ritter | dev @ commons dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Derby | Rick Hillegas | derby dash dev @ db dot apache dot org | http://apache-database.10148.n7.nabble.com/derby-is-ready-for-JDK-9-td147846.html | ||||
Apache HttpComponents | Gary Gregory | dev @ hc dot apache dot org | Not Yet. | ||||
Apache Log4j | Gary Gregory | dev @ logging.apache.org | Apache Log4j 2.9.0 is JDK 9 ready | ||||
Apache Lucene/SOLR | Uwe Schindler Dawid Weiss | dev @ lucene dot apache dot org | Apache Lucene/Solr 7.0 will be the first version that "offcially" supports Java 9. | jenkins dot thetaphi dot de/ | |||
Apache Maven | Robert Scholte | dev @ maven dot apache dot org | https://twitter.com/rfscholte/status/864560567767498752 | ||||
Apache ISIS | Dan Haywood | builds dot apache dot org/job/isis-core-ubuntu/ | |||||
Apache JMeter | Philippe Mouawad | dev @ jmeter dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Karaf | Guillaume Nodet | dev @karaf dot apache dot org | tested on JDK8 (master/4.1 branch requires JDK >= 8), testing in progress on JDK9 no CI setup yet for JDK9 | ||||
Apache MetaModel (incubating) | Kasper Sorensen | dev @ metamodel incubator dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache PDFBox | Tilman Hausherr | dev @ pdfbox.apache.org | twitter.com/Passwort12345/status/896365105537056768 | builds.apache.org/job/PDFBox-Trunk-jdk9/ | |||
Apache POI | Apache POI PMC | dev @ poi dot apache dot org | FAQ entry at http://poi.apache.org/faq.html#faq-N102B0 | ||||
Apache Tomcat | Mladen Turk | dev @ tomcat dot apache dot org | |||||
Apache Tika | David Meikle | ||||||
Apache Polygeneformerly known as Apache Zest | Paul Merlin | dev @ polygene dot apache dot org
| builds dot apache dor org slash view slash S-Z slash view slash Zest | ||||
Arquillian | Aslak Knutsen | arquillian dot org | arquillian dot ci dot cloudbees dot com not yet running,manually executed for b29,b05. | ||||
AsciidoctorJ | Alex Soto Guillaume Grossetie | discuss dot asciidoctor dot org | travis-ci dot org/asciidoctor/asciidoctorj | ||||
AssertJ | Joel Costigliola, Alexander Bischof | groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/assertj | assertj dot ci dot cloudbees.com/job/assertj-core/ | ||||
BlueJ | Michael Kölling | developers @ bluej dot org | no CI. | ||||
bt | Andrei Tomashpolskiy | bttorrent @ googlegroups dot com | Tested 1.9-181 in OS X El Capitan 10.11.2 x64, Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS x64 (Travis), Windows 8.1 x64. Successfully built the project on all systems. | travis dash ci dot org slash atomashpolskiy slash bt , ci dot appveyor dot com slash project slash atomashpolskiy slashbt | |||
Byteman | Andrew Dinn | ||||||
CheckStyle | Roman Ivanov | checkstyle-devel @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
Classworlds | Robert Scholte | dev @ maven dot apache dot org | travis-ci dot org/codehaus-plexus/plexus-classworlds | ||||
Clojure | Alex Miller | ||||||
CruiseControl | Kent Spillner | cruisecontrol-devel-request @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | CruiseControl is JDK 9 ready | ||||
DataCleaner | Kasper Sorensen | datacleaner dot org/forum | |||||
Drools | Petr Široký | www dot drools dot org | ci dot drools dot org/job/drools-jdk9/ | ||||
EasyMock | Henri Tremblay | easymock @t yahoogroups dot com | travis-ci dot org slash easymock slash easymock | ||||
Eclipse AspectJ | Andy Clements | aspectj-dev @ eclipse dot org | |||||
Eclipse GEF | Alexander Nyssen | dev dot eclipse dot org/mailman/listinfo/gef-dev | hudson dot eclipse dot org/gef | ||||
Eclipse Jetty | Simone Bordet | jetty-dev @ eclipse dot org | jenkins dot webtide dot net | ||||
Eclipse Vert.x | Paulo Lopes | groups dot google dot com slash forum slash #!forum/vertx-dev | vertx dot io | ||||
Ehcache | Louis Jacomet | ehcache dash dev at googlegroups dot com | www dot ehcache dot org | ||||
EJBCA | info dot primekey dot se | tech @ primekey dot se | |||||
ElasticSearch | Ryan Ernst | openjdk @ elastic dot co | ehcache dot ci dot cloudbees dot com/ | ||||
FindBugs | Andrey Loskutov | ||||||
FXGraphics2D | David Gilbert | www dot jfree.org /fxgraphics2d/ | |||||
Golo | Julien Ponge | dev dot eclipse dot org slash mailman slash listinfo slash golo-dev | travis-ci dot org slash eclipse slash golo-lang | ||||
Gradle | Adam Murdoch | dev @ gradle dot codehaus dot org gradle-dev @ googlegroups dot com |
| ||||
GraphHopper | Peter Karich | discuss dot graphhopper dot com/ | twitter.com/graphhopper/status/895226863404146688 | travis-ci dot org/graphhopper/graphhopper | |||
Greenfoot | Michael Kölling | greenfootdev @ greenfoot dot org | no CI. | ||||
Griffon | Andres Almiray | new dot griffon-framework dot org | travis-ci.org/griffon/griffon | ||||
Groovy | Cedric Champeau | dev @ groovy dot codehaus dot org | |||||
Hazelcast | Mehmet Dogan | jenkins dash notification @ hazelcast dot com | hazelcast-l337 dot ci dot cloudbees.com/view/Quality-Outreach/ | ||||
HeapStats | Yasumasa Suenaga KUBOTA Yuji | heapstats at icedtea dot classpath dot org | http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/HeapStats#News http://icedtea.classpath.org/pipermail/heapstats/2017-August/002208.html https://twitter.com/sugarlife/status/897307042594963456 | builder dot classpath dot org/jenkins/job/heapstats/ | |||
Hibernate | Sanne Grinovero | hibernate-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | ci.hibernate.org | ||||
HyperSQL Database (HSQLDB) | Fred Toussi | hsqldb-developers @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | hsqldb dot org | ||||
Jackson | Tatu Saloranta | groups dot google dot com /forum/ #!forum/jackson-dev | both Jackson and Woodstox now compile and pass full test suite on Java 9 (_181). | ||||
JaCoCo | Evgeny Mandrikov | jacoco-dev @ googlegroups dot com | travis-ci dot org/jacoco/jacoco | ||||
Javassist | Shigeru Chiba | www dot javassist dot org | |||||
JavaEWAH | Daniel Lemire | javaewah @ googlegroups dot com | travis-ci dot org/lemire/javaewah | ||||
JavaLite | Igor Polevoy | javalite dot io | ci dot javalite dot io | ||||
jBPM | Petr Široký | www dot jbpm dot org | ci dot jbpm dot org/job/jbpm-jdk9/ | ||||
JBoss Tools / Developer Studio | Martin Malina - primary contact. Max Rydal Andersen | ||||||
JFreeChart | David Gilbert | sourceforge dot net/p/jfreechart/mailman/ jfreechart-developers/ | |||||
JFreeSVG | David Gilbert | www dot jfree dot org /jfreesvg/ | |||||
JITWatch | Chris Newland | jitwatch @ googlegroups dot com | https://twitter.com/chriswhocodes/status/898458577102352384 | chriswhocodes dot com:8080/ | |||
JLine | Guillaume Nodet | jline-dev@googlegroups dot com | No CI - tested on JDK8 / JDK9 (requires JDK >= 8) | ||||
JOGL/JogAmp | Sven Gothel | forum dot jogamp dot org | |||||
Jooby | Edgar Espina | groups dot google dot com slash forum slash #!forum slash jooby-project | JDK 8 - travis-ci.org/jooby-project/jooby JDK 9 - not yet | ||||
JOSM | Vincent Privat | josm dash dev @ openstreetmap dot org | https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/11924 | josm dot openstreetmap dot de/jenkins/ | |||
JBoss-Forge | Ivan St Ivanov | ||||||
JUnit 5 | Marc Philipp | junit-lambda-team @ googlegroups dot com | http://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#release-notes-5.0.0-m6-java-9-compatibility | travis-ci dot org slash junit-team slash junit5 Testing status - github.com/junit-team/junit5/ wiki/Testing-against-JDK-9-Early-Access- builds#august-20-2016 | |||
Kotlin | Alexander Udalov | None. | teamcity dot jetbrains dot com slash project dot html?projectId=Kotlin | ||||
Logback | Ceki Gülcü | logback-dev AT qos DOT ch | |||||
LWJGL | Ionannis Tsakpinis | forum dot lwjgl dot org | https://travis-ci dot org slash LWJGL-CI | ||||
MongoDB-Java driver | Justin Lee | ||||||
MongoDB-Morphia | Justin Lee | ||||||
Objenesis | Henri Tremblay | objenesis-dev at googlegroups dot com | travis-ci dot org slash easymock slash objenesis | ||||
OptaPlanner | Petr Široký | www dot optaplanner dot org | ci dot optaplanner dot org/job/optaplanner-jdk9 | ||||
oVirt engine | Roy Golan | ovirt dot org | jenkins dot ovirt dot org | ||||
PMD | Andreas Dangel | pmd-devel @ lists dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
ProGuard | Eric Lafortune | proguard dot sourceforge dot net | |||||
QDox | Robert Scholte | none | travis dash ci dot org slash paul-hammant/qdox | ||||
Rapidoid | Nikolche Mihajlovski | rapidoid at googlegroups dot com | https://blog.rapidoid.org/2017/08/17/rapidoid-is-ready-for-jdk-9/ | travis-cidot org slash rapidoid slash rapidoid | |||
Ratpack | Luke Daley | forum dot ratpack dot io | snap-ci dot com slash ratpack slash ratpack | ||||
RedHat Infinispan | Galder Zamerreno | infinispan-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | |||||
RedHat Netty | Norman Maurer | groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/netty | |||||
RedHat Wildfly | Tomaz Cerar | wildfly-dev @ lists dot jboss dot org | WildFly 11 will be the first that will be marked as "runs on JDK9". | ||||
Reflections | Ron Mamo | groups dot google dot com/group/ google-code-reflections | |||||
Roaring | Daniel Lemire | roaring-bitmaps @ googlegroups.com | travis-ci dot org/RoaringBitmap/RoaringBitmap | ||||
RxJava | David Karnok | groups dot google dot com/forum/ #!forum/rxjava | https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/releases/tag/v2.1.3 | CI - GitHub/Travis, doesn't work due to Gradle 3 and plugin incompatibility | |||
Scala Team, Lightbend | Jason Zaugg | https://groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/scala-user | |||||
SLF4J | Ceki Gülcü | slf4j-dev AT qos DOT ch | |||||
SonarQube | Nicolas Peru | sonarqube dot org | sonarplugins dot ci dot cloudbees.com/ job/sonar/ | ||||
Spring Framework | Juergen Hoeller | JIRA dot spring dot io slash browse slash SPR | not yet for JDK 9 on build dot spring dot io/browse/SPR | ||||
Thermostat | Severin Gehwolf | thermostat at icedtea dot classpath dot org | |||||
Travis CI | Mathias Meyer | groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/travis-ci | |||||
Woodstox | Tatu Saloranta | Both Jackson and Woodstox now compile and pass full test suite on Java 9 (_181). | github dot com/FasterXML/woodstox | ||||
Xtext | Sven Efftinge | xtext-builds dot itemis dot de/jenkins/ | |||||
Xtend | Sven Efftinge | xtext-builds dot itemis dot de/jenkins/ | |||||
XStream | Jörg Schaible | bamboo-ci dot codehaus dot org/browse/XSTREAM | |||||
ZXing | Sean Owen | groups dot google dot com/forum/#!forum/zxing | travis-ci dot org/zxing/zxing |