Welcome to the Minimal Value Types early adopter's project !
What is the Minimal Value Types (MVT) project?
- The Minimal Value Types project is an early prototype for Value Types
- provides initial subset of Value Type functionality
- provides a new type which is:
- immutable, identity-agnostic, non-nullable, non-synchronizable, final
- does not inherit from java.lang.Object
- Value Types contained in References, other Value Types or in Arrays are flattenable
- Value Types can contain primitives or references
Target Audience
- Power users - Java/JVM Language, Framework, Library authors/exports
- who are comfortable with early experimental software
- who recognize that everything in the experiment - the model, the classfile extensions, the byte codes is likely to change
- who want to contribute to early exploration of Value Types
- who will not build any products based on these prototypes
- Who are willing to provide feedback to the developers on a subset of Value Type features
- Who will provide use cases for the development team to experiment with optimizations
How to Try Minimal Value Types:
Early Access Binaries
Repository and Build Instructions
To create a new mvt branch:
hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/valhalla valhalla-mvt
cd valhalla-mvt
hg defpath du <openjdkname>
hg update -r mvt // name of branch
To update repository:
cd valhalla-mvt
hg pull
hg update -r mvt // name of branch
To build repository
bash configure
make images
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/sandbox.html // instructions for working with branch repositories (not yet updated for consolidation)
Note: Valhalla is a child of the jdk10/hs repository, to keep current with latest hotspot development.
Programming Model
- Create a POJO using an experimental javac, with an annotation ValueCapableClass (jvm.internal.value.ValueCapableClass)
- JVM will derive a Derived Value Class (DVC) from this defined "box" which we call the Value Capable Class (VCC)
- DVC contains an immutable copy of the instance fields from the VCC
- Work with MethodHandles and experimental reflection package ValueType (jdk.experimental.value.ValueType)
- Or spin your own byte codes
- experimental MethodBuilder (jdk/experimental/value.MethodHandleBuilder)
- future: ASM support is planned
- Code samples
- See directory jdk/test/valhalla/mvt in your repository
- e.g. MethodHandlesTest
- See directory jdk/test/valhalla/mvt in your repository
Run Experimental MVT
- java -Xverify:none -XX:+EnableMVT <Test>
- Command-line flags: Minimal Value Types Command-line Options
Filing Bugs
- Send email to valhalla-dev@openjdk.java.net
- platforms: x64 Linux, x64 Mac OS X
- no VarHandles (work-in-progress for an update)
- no support for atomic fields containing value types (work-in-progress for an update)
- no JNI, unsafe, jvmti, redefineclasses, reflection
- -Xint and C2 only, no C1, no tiered-compilation
- interpreter is not optimized, focus is on JIT optimization
- Need additional USE CASES for optimizations
- Working on additional test cases
- Experimental Appendix for Java Virtual Machine Specification for Value Classes
- http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/sandbox.html // instructions for working with branch repositories
- Minimal Value Types Command-line Options
- Youtube JVMLS 2017: Minimal Value Types: Origins and Programming Model
- Youtube JVMLS 2017: Minimal Value Types: Under the Hood