"LW1" - Minimal L-World
LW1 initial prototype is intended to get this into your hands as early as possible so you can provide us with feedback.
Javac source support:
- Requires source level >= JDK11
- A class declaration may be tagged as being a value type by using the "__ByValue" modifier
- Interfaces, annotation types, enums can not be value types
- Top level, inner, nested, local classes may be value types. Value types may declare inner, nested, local types
- Value Types are implicitly final, so cannot be abstract)
- Value Types may not declare an explicit super class. They implicitly extend java.lang.Object akin to enums, annotation types and interfaces
- Value Types may declare explicit interfaces
- Value Types constructors may not pass the "this" handle until all instance fields are definitely assigned.
- All instance fields of a value class are implicitly final
- Value types may not to declare fields of its own type directly or indirectly
- java.lang.Object methods:
- javac automatically generates hashCode, equals, longHashCode and toString computed solely from the instance's state and not from its identity
- javac does not clone(), finalize(), wait*), notify*() on value receivers
- javac does not allow comparison of values using ==, !=
- Value Types can not be assigned null, null can not be cast to or compared with value types
- Value Types cannot be type arguments in generic type parameterizations, type witnesses in generic method invocations, wildcard bounds
- Type migration, including partial recompilation is not supported
Java APIs:
- Support for java.lang.Object methods:
- Class.isValue() new API
- Class.newInstance() on a value type throws IllegalAccessException
- SetAccessible() on a value type throws InaccessibleObjectException
Runtime Exceptions:
- Generated class files require ValueTypes attribute, and will throw IncompatibleClassChangeError if value types are used which are not in the attribute
- IllegalMonitorException thrown on attempts to synchronize or call wait(*) or notify*() on a value type
- ClassCircularityError thrown if loading an instance field of a value type which declares its own type either directly or indirectly
Limitations for LW1
- platforms: x64 Linux, x64 Mac OS X, Windows
- no support for value class with no instance fields
- no support for atomic fields containing value types
- no support for @Contended value type fields
- static fields are not flattenable
- no AOT, CDS, ZGC, serviceability agent
- -Xint and C2 only, no C1, no tiered-compilation, no Graal
- unsafe field and array accessor APIs are not supported for value types
- VarHandles support value types
- however: they do not enforce immutability or non-nullability for value types
- note that immutable types can be copied, so updates may not be seen
- however: they do not enforce immutability or non-nullability for value types
- low-level unsafe APIs are UNSAFE and will not be changed to support value types
- risks: If a value type has been flattened in a container, unsafe does not know the layout
- getObject could return the first flattened element rather than the expected reference
- VarHandles support value types
- interpreter is not optimized, focus is on JIT optimization
- Please provide additional USE CASES for optimizations
- Working on additional test cases
Future Possibilities
- LW1 updates:
- fix bugs, add optimizations and support for additional minor features
- LWX:
- Addition of significant feature support
- Addition of language level syntax and semantics
- Eventually a preview with an openjdk release
- Expect specialized generics and support for primitives as value types will have their own early access cycles
How to Try L-World Value Types
Target Audience
- Power users - Java/JVM Language, Framework, Library authors/experts
- who are comfortable with early experimental software
- who recognize that everything in the experiment - the model, the classfile extensions, the byte codes is likely to change
- who want to contribute to early exploration of Value Types
- who will not build any products based on these prototypes
- Who are willing to provide feedback to the developers on a subset of Value Type features
- Who will provide use cases for the development team to experiment with optimizations
Early Access Binaries
Repository and Build Instructions
To create a new local repository, based on "lworld" branch:
hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/valhalla valhalla-lworld
cd valhalla-lworld
hg defpath du <openjdkname>
hg update -r lw1 // name of branch
To update repository:
cd valhalla-lworld
hg pull
hg update -r lw1 // name of branch
To build repository
bash configure
make images
Instructions for working with branch repositories: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/sandbox.html
Note: Valhalla is a child of the jdk/jdk repository, to keep current with latest OpenJDK development.
Programming Model
CMH: Example code
Sample JMH benchmarks: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/valhalla-dev/2018-June/004380.html
Run Experimental L-World
- java -XX:+EnableValhalla <Test>
- Further experimental flags can be found here
Helpful Feedback Please
This is intended as an early prototype to give you a chance to experiment and provide feedback on the currently supported features.
Please ensure you are on the latest EA binaries before reporting a problem.
Bugs are tracked in JIRA: Start summary with /[lworld/]. You can search for known problems or already reported bugs.
Send email to valhalla-dev@openjdk.java.net
- Use cases that worked for you, including any positive performance or footprint information
- Bugs or questions about surprise behavior
- Use cases that you would like to see optimized PLEASE
Too Early for Feedback
This is intended as an early prototype to give you a chance to experiment and provide feedback on the currently supported features.
At this time it would premature to provide feedback on
- Language syntax
- Problems already listed under Limitations
- Draft Java Virtual Machine Specification Value Type changes
- http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/sandbox.html (instructions for working with branch repositories)