Author: Jindrich Dinga
1. Introduction
This document is the user experience specification for the JavaFX Non-Mouse Traversal Input. The main focus is Non-Mouse Traversal Input on TV platform which is in principle applicable to other non-touch platforms too.
Note that the traversal policy mentioned below is also valid for a hybrid system, such as touch and keyboard.
2. Non-Mouse Traversal Policy
The focus traversal on non-touch platforms moves focus between controls in horizontal or vertical direction according to their location on the screen. As controls are not placed in ideal grid, the control that receives focus next in the corresponding direction is defined based on proximity, size, and previous traversal choices.
If users press Down key, the focus moves to the next row and focuses the control that is closest to the currently selected column. The selected column changes only after pressing Left or Right key.
The following figure demonstrates focus traversal after pressing Down key two times from the control #1.
The focus traversal gets to control #2 and #3 as it is the closest control to the currently selected column. In the same sequence, if users press Right key when control #2 has focus, the focus moves to the closest control that is on right of the currently focused control and selects next column. Pressing Down key navigates to control Y.
3. Controls for non-Touch Platforms
The following list shows controls that are planned to be supported on non-touch platforms as well as controls that need to have the "traverse" and "interactive" mode (2-level control).
- Button
- Chart (Line graph, Bar graph, Area)
- CheckBox
- ChoiceBox 2-level control
- ComboBox 2-level control
- Label
- ListView 2-level control
- Pagination
- PasswordField 2-level control
- ProgressBar
- ProgressIndicator
- RadioButton
- ScrollBar
- ScrollPane
- Separator
- Slider 2-level control
- SplitPane
- TabPane
- TableView 2-level control
- TextArea 2-level control
- TextField 2-level control
- TitledPane
- ToggleButton
- ToolBar
The following chapters describe differences in behavior between controls for Desktop and non-touch platforms. In addition to that, they also contain the visual specification of each control.
A. Non 2-Level Controls
There is no main difference in behavior of buttons on Desktop and non-touch platforms. When selected, the buttons perform actions that are assigned to them.
The only difference that should be mentioned here is that on non-touch platforms there is no Enter/Return key that would activate the default button. Giving that, this functionality can be disabled.
Image: Button
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a button and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Activate the button. |
Chart (Line, Bar, Area)
Charts on non-touch platforms behave exactly same as on Desktop.
Image: LineChart
Image: BarChart
Image: AreaChart
There is no difference in behavior of check boxes on Desktop and non-touch platforms. When selected, check boxes switch their settings.
Image: CheckBox
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a check box and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the setting of the check box. |
Label does not have any functionality on Desktop as well as on non-touch platforms.
Based on specification that came from our visual designer, it is recommended to use 9pt font size as a default font size on Embedded devices. However, this font size may change based on results from testing on a real device.
Image: Label
The functionality of a Pagination control on non-touch platforms stays same as on Desktop.
Immediately, when users traverse to a pagination the pagination automatically switches to the "interactive" mode passing the focus traversal on a page button or control. The page button or control that first receives focus depends on where the focus comes from (see the non-mouse traversal policy).
When the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a column and users press Up/Down key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy. Similarly to this, if the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a row and users press Left/Right key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy.
Note that when the focus traversal is on selected page button, pressing Left or Right key will switch pages.
Image: Pagination
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is in a pagination and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. If the focus traversal is on selected page button, select the previous page. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. If the focus traversal is on selected page button, select the next page. |
Progress bars are useful for communicating that a job is in-process. Even if progress bars are occupied with buttons, there is no difference in behavior of progress bars on Desktop and non-touch platforms.
Image: ProgressBar
Progress indicators are useful for communicating that a job is in-process. Even if progress indicators are occupied with buttons, there is no difference in behavior of progress indicators on Desktop and non-touch platforms.
Image: Progress Indicator
There is no difference in functionality of radio buttons on Desktop and non-touch platforms. On the other hand, there is a difference in navigation.
On Desktop, users traverse between controls by pressing TAB key. When a radio button group is focused, they use arrow keys to change selection within the group. But on non-touch platforms, where there is no TAB key present and where we try to avoid the "2-level selection" as much as possible, users will need to traverse over all radio buttons in the same group to reach other focusable control. The radio button selection is done using OK/Select key.
Image: RadioButton
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a non-selected radio button and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | If the radio button is not selected, select the radio button and deselect radio buttons that are in the same group. If the radio button is already selected, no action is performed. |
There are no functionality constraints on non-touch platforms - the scroll bars are used to identify that there is more content below the fold. The only difference between Desktop and non-touch platforms is that users are not allowed to interact with scroll buttons or scroll bars.
Image: ScrollBar
There is no difference in functionality of scroll panes on Desktop and non-touch platforms.
Immediately, when users traverse to a scroll pane the scroll pane automatically switches to the "interactive" mode passing the focus traversal on a control. The control that first receives focus depends on where the focus comes from (see the non-mouse traversal policy).
Now let's assume that there is only one image in the scroll pane. When the scroll pane receives the focus, users can press Left or Right key to scroll the pane horizontally and Up or Down key to scroll the pane vertically. In case there are other controls inside the scroll pane, Left and Right key will navigate to controls in the same row. Similarly, Up and Down key will navigate to controls in the same column. The pane can also scroll in order to keep the view port visible.
When the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a column and users press Up/Down key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy. Similarly to this, if the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a row and users press Left/Right key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy.
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is in a scroll pane and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. Scroll the pane if needed. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. Scroll the pane if needed. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. Scroll the pane if needed. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. Scroll the pane if needed. |
Separator does not have any functionality on Desktop as well as on non-touch platforms.
On non-touch platforms, users are not allowed to interact with the splitter at all so the splitter is locked. Other than that, there is no difference in functionality of split panes on Desktop and non-touch platforms.
Image: SplitPane
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is in a split pane and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
The functionality of TabPanes on non-touch platforms stays same as on Desktop, except that the close buttons are not available on tabs.
Immediately, when users traverse to a tab pane the tab pane automatically switches to the "interactive" mode passing the focus traversal on a tab or control. The tab or control that first receives focus depends on where the focus comes from (see the non-mouse traversal policy).
When the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a column and users press Up/Down key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy. Similarly to this, if the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a row and users press Left/Right key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy.
Note that when the focus traversal is on selected tab, pressing Left and Right (tabs on top or bottom of TabPane) or Up and Down (tabs on right or left of TabPane) key will switch tabs.
Image: TabPane
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is in a tab pane and users press the following keys:
Tabs on Top or Bottom of TabPane
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. If the focus traversal is on selected tab, select the previous tab. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. If the focus traversal is on selected tab, select the next tab. |
Tabs on Left or Right of TabPane
Up | Move the focus traversal up. If the focus traversal is on selected tab, select the previous tab. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. If the focus traversal is on selected tab, select the next tab. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
There is no difference in functionality of Titled Panes on Desktop and non-touch platforms.
Image: TitledPane
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is in a titled pane and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Perform action that is associated with the control. If the focus traversal is on the title and the turner is visible, expand or collapse the pane. |
There is no main difference in behavior of buttons on Desktop and non-touch platforms. When selected, the buttons perform actions that are assigned to them.
Image: ToggleButton
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a toggle button and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | If the toggle button is not selected, select the button and perform the associated action. If the toggle button is selected, deselect the button and perform the associated action. |
The functionality of ToolBars on non-touch platforms stays same as on Desktop, except that on non-touch platforms there is no customization mode that would allow users to rearrange icons in the tool bar.
Immediately, when users traverse to a tool bar the tool bar automatically switches to the "interactive" mode passing the focus traversal on an icon. The icon that first receives focus depends on where the focus comes from (see the non-mouse traversal policy).
When the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a column and users press Up/Down key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy. Similarly to this, if the focus traversal is on the first/last item in a row and users press Left/Right key, the focus traversal moves to the previous/next focusable control following rules defined in the non-mouse traversal policy.
Image: ToolBar
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is in a tool bar and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
B. 2-Level Controls
2-level controls are controls that need do be activated before users can interact with them. These controls are available on devices that have the following constraints:
The device has 5 buttons dedicated to traversal and interaction (Up, Down, Left, Right, and OK/Select).
The device has a hardware keyboard.
The device does not have a pointing device.
The device does not have a gyroscope.
In contrast to Desktop platform where users use TAB key to traverse between controls, on these devices users traverse between controls by Up, Down, Left, and Right keys. Unfortunately, some controls use these keys for their own functionality so when users navigate to them the focus traversal can get trapped and users might not be able to navigate away from these controls anymore. To prevent users from getting stuck, these controls must be "activated" before users can interact with them.
The "activation" is done by pressing OK/Select key when traverse indicator is on the control. After that, Up, Down, Left, and Right keys are used for navigation within the control. When users are done, they must "deactivate" the control by pressing OK/Select key again in order to switch back from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode. Please note that if a control is the sole node in a container, and the container gets focus, then the control should immediately switch to the "interactive" mode.
Please note that there will be the need for separate style settings in order to distinguish between "traverse" and "interactive" mode.
ChoiceBox 2-level control
ChoiceBox control is one of the controls that could trap the focus traversal. Because of that, users must press OK/Select key to switch this control from the "traverse" mode to the "interactive" mode to be able to change its value.
When in the "interactive" mode, the list opens allowing users to see the choice box's values. Users can navigate within the list by Up and Down keys. When a value is focused and users press OK/Select key, the value is selected, list is closed, and the choice box is switched from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Image: ChoiceBox in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a choice box and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the choice box to the "interactive" mode. |
Next table describes actions that are performed when a choice box is in the "interactive" mode (the list is open) and users press the following keys:
Up | Move one item up. |
Down | Move one item down. |
OK/Select | Select the current value, close the list, and switch the choice box to the "traverse" mode. |
ComboBox 2-level control
ComboBox control is another control that could trap the focus traversal. Because of that, users must press OK/Select key to switch this control from the "traverse" mode to the "interactive" mode to be able to change its value.
When the regular combo box (aka drop down) is in the "interactive" mode, the list opens allowing users to see the combo box's values. Users can navigate within the list by Up or Down key. When a value is focused and users press OK/Select key, the value is selected, list is closed, and the combo box is switched from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Image: Regular ComboBox in Traverse and Interactive Mode
On the other hand, when the editable combo box is in the "interactive" mode, the caret appears in the field allowing users to enter a value. Users can also use Up or Down keys to change value in the field. When done, users must press OK/Select key to commit the value and switch the combo box from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Image: Editable ComboBox in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a combo box and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the combo box to the "interactive" mode. |
Next tables describe actions that are performed when a combo box is in the "interactive" mode (the list is open) and users press the following keys:
Regular Combo Box
Up | Move one item up. |
Down | Move one item down. |
OK/Select | Select the current value, close the list, and switch the combo box to the "traverse" mode. |
Editable Combo Box
Up | Change value in the combo box. |
Down | Change value in the combo box. |
Left | Move the caret left by one character. The text may scroll to keep the caret visible. The left arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the left of the very first entered character. |
Right | Move the caret right by one character. The text may scroll to keep the caret visible. The right arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the right of the very last entered character. |
HW key | Type a character. |
OK/Select | Commit the current value and switch the combo box to the "traverse" mode. |
ListView 2-level control
This control is another control that could catch the focus traversal so users must activate it before being able to interact with it.
When in the "interactive" mode, users should be able to scroll the vertical list by Up or Down key and the horizontal list by Left or Right key. To select an item, users must press OK/Select key. Apart from selecting an item in the list, this key will also switch the list view back from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Giving the limited number of keys that are dedicated to the traversal and interaction, functionality of ListView is also limited. It means that ListView control will allow users to select a single item only. Selection of multiple items will be disabled. In addition to that, ListView on non-touch platforms will have Add, Edit, Reorder, and Delete functions disabled. If this functionality is required, developers will need to place a button to the header of the list in order to enable this functionality.
Please note that when ListView is the sole node in a container, navigation keys that are not used for scrolling should allow users to move the focus traversal to another control(s).
Image: ListView in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a list view and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the list view to the "interactive" mode. |
Next tables describe actions that are performed when a list view is in the "interactive" mode and users press the following keys:
Vertical Orientation
Up | Move the focus traversal up by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
OK/Select | Select the item and switch the list view to the "traverse" mode. |
Horizontal Orientation
Left | Move the focus traversal left by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
OK/Select | Select the item and switch the list view to the "traverse" mode. |
Vertical Orientation (ListView is the sole node in a container)
Up | Move the focus traversal up by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
Left | Move the focus traversal to a control that is on left of ListView. |
Right | Move the focus traversal to a control that is on right of ListView. |
OK/Select | Perform the action. |
Horizontal Orientation (ListView is the sole node in a container)
Up | Move the focus traversal to a control that is above ListView. |
Down | Move the focus traversal to a control that is below ListView. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right by one item. The list may scroll to keep the focus traversal visible. |
OK/Select | Perform the action. |
PasswordField 2-level control
PasswordField control behaves exactly the same as TextField on non-touch platforms. The only difference is that password fields do not show characters, but mask them instead.
Image: PasswordField in Traverse and Interactive Mode
For details about behavior of a password field, see TextField control.
Slider 2-level control
Slider control is another control that could trap the focus traversal. Because of that, users must press OK/Select key to switch this control from the "traverse" mode to the "interactive" mode to be able to change its value.
When in the "interactive" mode, users can use Left and Right or Up and Down key to change the value in the horizontal or vertical slider. When done, users press OK/Select key to confirm the value and switch the control from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Image: Slider in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a slider and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the slider to the "interactive" mode. |
Next tables describe actions that are performed when a slider is in the "interactive" mode and users press the following keys:
Horizontal Orientation
Left | Decrease the value by one step. |
Right | Increase the value by one step. |
OK/Select | Commit the value and switch the slider to the "traverse" mode. |
Vertical Orientation
Up | Increase the value by one step. |
Down | Decrease the value by one step. |
OK/Select | Commit the value and switch the slider to the "traverse" mode. |
TableView 2-level control
This control is another control that can catch the focus traversal so users must activate it prior to the interaction. Because of that, TableView controls on non-touch platforms will have limited functionality. Users will not be able to:
- resize columns,
- rearrange columns,
- hide/show columns, and
- sort data in columns.
TableView control will allow users to select a single cell or row. Multi selection modes (cell, row, and column) are disabled. If the multi selection mode is needed, developers will need to use check box controls in appropriate cells or rows.
TableView on non-touch platforms will also support cell actions, however, with one limitation. The whole cell will represent the action and pressing OK/Select key will initiate the action. This is in contrast to Desktop where part of the cell can be actionable.
Image: TableView in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a table view and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the table view to the "interactive" mode. |
Next tables describe actions that are performed when a table view is in the "interactive" mode and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up by one item. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down by one item. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left by one item. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right by one item. |
OK/Select | Select the item and switch the table view to the "traverse" mode. |
TableView is the sole node in a container
Up | Move the focus traversal up by one item. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down by one item. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left by one item. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right by one item. |
OK/Select | Perform the action. |
TextArea 2-level control
In contrast to Desktop, TextArea on non-touch platforms will not support the following functionality unless it is supported by the HW keyboard:
- no "cancel changes" support and
- no copy, paste, or selection support.
TextArea is a control that can trap the focus traversal and cause users to get stuck. Giving that, users need to press OK/Select key to switch from the "traverse" mode to the "interactive" mode to be able to navigate and interact with this control. Note that the text area in "traverse" mode does not have to display scroll bars. The scroll bars might be visible only when the text area is in the "interactive" mode.
When in the "interactive" mode users can use the navigation keys to scroll the text area (text area in read only mode) or to move the caret within the text area (text area in edit mode). Because there is no support for the virtual keyboard, users must use the HW keyboard to type characters. When done, users must press OK/Select key to switch back from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Image: TextArea in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a text area and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the text area to the "interactive" mode. |
Next tables describe actions that are performed when a text area is in the "interactive" mode and users press the following keys:
Text Area in Read Only Mode
Up | Scroll the text area up by one step. |
Down | Scroll the text area down by one step. |
Left | Scroll the text area left by one step. |
Right | Scroll the text area right by one step. |
OK/Select | Switch the text area to the "traverse" mode. |
Text Area in Edit Mode
Up | Move the caret up by one row. The text may scroll to keep the caret visible. The up arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the left of the very first entered character. |
Down | Move the caret down by one row. The text may scroll to keep the caret visible. The down arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the right of the very last entered character. |
Left | Move the caret left by one character. The text area may scroll to keep the caret visible. The left arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the left of the very first entered character. |
Right | Move the caret right by one character. The text area may scroll to keep the caret visible. The right arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the right of the very last entered character. |
HW key | Type a character. |
OK/Select | Save changes and switch the text area to the "traverse" mode. |
TextField 2-level control
TextField control behaves similarly to TextArea. It also does not support the same functionality as TextArea unless it is supported by the HW keyboard.
Similarly to TextArea, TextField also needs to be switched to the "interactive" mode in order to enable users to interact with it. In the "interactive" mode, users can use the navigation keys to move the caret. To type a character, they must use the HW keyboard. When done, users must press OK/Select key to switch back from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Image: TextField in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a text field and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the text field to the "interactive" mode. |
Next table describes actions that are performed when a text field is in the "interactive" mode and users press the following keys:
Left | Move the caret left by one character. The text may scroll to keep the caret visible. The left arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the left of the very first entered character. |
Right | Move the caret right by one character. The text may scroll to keep the caret visible. The right arrow key results in no change when the cursor is positioned to the right of the very last entered character. |
HW key | Type a character. |
OK/Select | Save changes and switch the text field to the "traverse" mode. |
TreeView 2-level control NOT FOR LOMBARD (8.0)
Note that this control is not on the list of controls for Embedded platforms, however, since an use-case for this control exists on Embedded platforms, the expected interaction is mentioned here. In addition to that, this control may not be implemented due time and resource constraints.
TreeView is another control that could catch the focus traversal so users must activate it before being able to interact with it.
When in the "interactive" mode, users should be able to use Left and Right keys for collapsing or opening nodes and Up and Down keys for moving the traversal over nodes. To select a node, users must press OK/Select key. Apart from selecting a node, this key will also switch the tree view back from the "interactive" mode to the "traverse" mode.
Giving the limited number of keys that are dedicated to the traversal and interaction, functionality of TreeView is also limited. It means that this control will allow users to select a single node only. Selection of multiple nodes will be disabled and developers will need to place e.g. check box controls next to each node to enable this functionality. In addition to that, TreeView on non-touch platforms will have Add, Edit, Reorder, and Delete function disabled. If this functionality is required, developers will need to expose this functionality to end users by themselves.
Image: TreeView in Traverse and Interactive Mode
The following table describes actions that are performed when the focus traversal is on a tree view and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down. |
Left | Move the focus traversal left. |
Right | Move the focus traversal right. |
OK/Select | Switch the tree view to the "interactive" mode. |
Next tables describe actions that are performed when a tree view is in the "interactive" mode and users press the following keys:
Up | Move the focus traversal up by one node. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down by one node. |
Left | Collapse current selection or go to the parent node. |
Right | Expand current selection or go to the first child node. |
OK/Select | Select the node and switch the tree view to the "traverse" mode. |
TreeView is the sole node in a container
Up | Move the focus traversal up by one node. |
Down | Move the focus traversal down by one node. |
Left | Collapse current selection or go to the parent node. |
Right | Expand current selection or go to the first child node. |
OK/Select | Select the node. |