Who can edit the wiki?
Anyone who is registered in the OpenJDK Census (for instance by becoming a Project Author) may edit the Group and Project contents of this site. A complete list of registrants may be found in the Census.
As specified by the Bylaws, Group Members have write access to the Group's web content. All Project Authors, Committers, and Reviewers have write access to the Project's web content.
Can I edit the wiki right now?
Yes! This wiki is read/write as described above.
I'm already registered in the OpenJDK Census. How do I get an account?
When the wiki enters read/write mode you'll receive an e-mail instructing you to reset your wiki password. The message will be sent to your e-mail address of record in the Census.
How does the password-reset mechanism work?
You'll receive an e-mail message containing a limited-lifetime URL to a page which will prompt you for your new password. A second e-mail will notify you of success. These messages will be sent to your OpenJDK e-mail address of record.
How do I change my OpenJDK e-mail address of record?
Send a message to registrar@openjdk.org.
I have an OpenJDK account but can't log in to {bugs,wiki}.openjdk.org. What should I do?
For help with logging in, contact help@openjdk.org.
I'm an OpenJDK Project Reviewer/Committer/Author, or a Group Member. How do I get space for my Project (or Group) on this wiki?
Ask your Lead to request it. The Census provides the names of all Group and Project Leads.
I'm a OpenJDK Project or Group Lead. How do I get space for my Project (or Group) on this wiki?
Send an e-mail request to ops@openjdk.org.
What happened to the content at wikis.oracle.com?
All of the content associated with OpenJDK was copied to this site, re-organizing it to fit the obvious Group and Project spaces. Since the initial load on January 4, 2013, there have been periodic updates to keep the wikis sync'd. Unfortunately the sync did not include comments.
Bootstrapping: Just before the new wiki entered read/write mode there was a final sync between the two wikis (excluding comments) and the wikis.oracle.com content was made read-only. Appropriate links were added from the old wiki to the new wiki. After some period of time, the old wikis.oracle.com content was removed.
Why weren't comments left after January 4, 2013 migrated from wikis.oracle.com?
Unfortunately our restricted access to the old wiki did not allow us to design an automated system to retrieve any content (comments or otherwise) after our initial load. Efforts to keep the two wikis in sync has focused on non-comment content. Wiki editors are encouraged to summarize or hand copy comments in their Project (or Group) space once this wiki becomes read/write.
What Terms of Use cover the wiki pages?
The standard OpenJDK Terms of Use.
What license covers the pages?
The bottom of each page contains a link to the applicable license. Pages covering development of a specification in the JCP typically use a comment and evaluation license. All other pages are under GPLv2.
How do I get answers to questions not asked in this FAQ?
It depends upon the question:
- To update your personal information in the OpenJDK Census, contact registrar@openjdk.org.
- To request a space for your Group or Project, contact ops@openjdk.org.
- For questions or comments about the design and use of the wiki, send e-mail to web-discuss@openjdk.org (but be sure to subscribe first if you haven't already).