Q: Do incubating modules shipped with the JDK require CSR review?
A: An incubating module (JEP 11: Incubator Modules) contains non-final APIs shipped with the JDK to gather feedback. While such APIs don't have the same long-term prospects as Java SE APIs, they are still widely usable and subject to CSR review.
Q: Do preview language and JVM features require CSR review?
A: While preview language and JVM features (JEP 12: Preview Language and VM Features) are impermanent, they are fully specified and implemented and are subject to CSR review.
Q: How many CSR requests are typically in a release?
A: For JDK 9, there were approximately 900 CCC requests (the CCC being the internal predecessor to the CSR), approximately 90 JEPs, and over 14,000 bug fixes. For JDK 10, there were about 120 CSR requests and over 2000 bug fixes in the release. Having a single-digit percentage of fixes need to go through compatibility and specification review has been consistent over time.