If a fix needs to be integrated into the current JDK 11 update release after RDP2, this can be requested via the jdk11u-critical-request label. The maintainer will approve with jdk11u-critical-yes or reject with jdk11u-critical-no. If and only the fix gets approved, it may be pushed to the jdk11u repository. Eligible candidates for approval after RDP2 would be fixes that Oracle has brought to their correspondent JDK11u JDK11 update release, fixes for high priority issues and test fixes.
In the very last days before the release date, we won't accept any pushes to jdk11u in order to have the maintainers of the security fixes finish up their internal testing.
jdk11u-dev: Collecting 11.0.4 fixes. Pushes after jdk11u-fix-yes approval.
[Unapproved critical requests] [All critical requests] [All approved critical approved requests] [Approved critical requests without push]