Fiber@5a1fbaa6[<no carrier thread>]
Single Stepping
If you single step while in the context of a fiber, execution flow will remain in the fiber even if you step over a method call that results in a yield, causing the fiber to be unmounted and later remounted on a different carrier thread. If you are in the context of the carrier thread when the fiber yields, the behavior is not well defined yet, and there are also known issues, especially when single stepping in and around Continuation.yield()
Fiber Stack Traces
Stack traces for fibers will include any scheduler related frames. For example, only the top three frames below belong to the Fiber's implementation. The rest are considered to be scheduler related frames:
In this case frames 7-10 (and actually also 5-6) are considered fiber frames. The frames above it are just there to support temporarily mounting the fiber. This will be improved in the future.
Single Stepping
If you single step while in the context of a fiber, execution flow will remain in the fiber even if you step over a method call that results in a yield, causing the fiber to be unmounted and later remounted on a different carrier thread. If you are in the context of the carrier thread when the fiber yields, the behavior is not well defined yet, and there are also known issues, especially when single stepping in and around Continuation.yield()
Debugging Support Limitations