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# for the active development stream, currently targeted for JDK 1112 hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt |
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$ gradle tasks ... :tasks ------------------------------------------------------------ All tasks runnable from root project ------------------------------------------------------------ Default tasks: sdk Basic tasks ----------- buildModuleBaseLinuxbuildModuleBaseWin - creates javafx.base property files buildModuleGraphicsLinuxbuildModuleGraphicsWin - copies javafx.graphics native libraries buildModuleLibsLinuxbuildModuleLibsWin buildModuleMediaLinuxbuildModuleMediaWin - copies javafx.media native libraries buildModulePackagerExeLinux - copies jdk.packager executable buildModulePackagerLibsLinux - copies jdk.packager libraries buildModuleSWTLinuxbuildModuleSWTWin - copies SWT JAR buildModuleWebLinuxbuildModuleWebWin - copies javafx.web native libraries clean - Deletes the build directory and the build directory of all sub projects cleanAll - Scrubs the repo of build artifacts javadoc - Generates the JavaDoc for all the public API javafxSwtLinuxjavafxSwtWin - Creates the javafx-swt.jar for the linuxwin target sdkWin sdkLinux Build tasks ----------- antpluginClasses - Assembles antplugin classes. assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project. build - Assembles and tests this project. buildDependents - Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it. buildJavaPackagerbuildModulesWin buildModuleLinuxbuildModuleWin buildModulesLinux buildModuleZipLinuxbuildModuleZipWin buildNeeded - Assembles and tests this project and all projects it depends on. buildRunArgsLinuxbuildRunArgsWin ccLinuxFontccWinFont - Compiles native sources for font for linuxwin ccLinuxFontFreetypeccWinGlass - Compiles native sources for fontFreetypeglass for linuxwin ccLinuxFontPangoccWinIio - Compiles native sources for fontPangoiio for linuxwin ccLinuxGlassGlassccWinPrism - Compiles native sources for glassprism for linuxwin ccWinPrismD3D for variant Glass ccLinuxGlassGlassgtk2 - Compiles- Compiles native sources for glassprismD3D for linux for variant Glassgtk2 ccLinuxGlassGlassgtk3 - Compiles native sources for glass for linux for variant Glassgtk3 ccLinuxIiowin ccWinPrismES2 - Compiles native sources for iio for linux ccLinuxPrism - Compiles native sources for prism for linux ccLinuxPrismES2 - Compiles native sources for prismES2 for linuxwin ccLinuxPrismSWccWinPrismSW - Compiles native sources for prismSW for linuxwin classes - Assembles main classes. clean - Deletes the build directory. cleanNative - Clean all native libraries and objects for Graphics cleanNativeDecora - Clean native objects for Decora cleanNativeFont - Clean native objects for font cleanNativeFontFreetypecleanNativeGlass - Clean native objects for fontFreetypeglass cleanNativeFontPangocleanNativeIio - Clean native objects for fontPangoiio cleanNativeGlasscleanNativePrism - Clean native objects for glassprism cleanNativeIiocleanNativePrismD3D - Clean native objects for iio cleanNativePrism - Clean native objects for prismprismD3D cleanNativePrismES2 - Clean native objects for prismES2 cleanNativePrismSW - Clean native objects for prismSW compileLinuxLauncher - Compiles native sources for the application co-bundle launcher compileLinuxLibrarycreateMSPfile generateD3DHeaders - CompilesGenerate nativeheaders sourcesby forcompiling the application co-bundle launcher library createMSPfilehlsl files jar - Assembles a jar archive containing the main classes. jslcClasses - Assembles jslc classes. linkLinuxFontlinkWinFont - Creates native dynamic library for font for linuxwin linkLinuxFontFreetypelinkWinGlass - Creates native dynamic library for fontFreetypeglass for linuxwin linkLinuxFontPangolinkWinIio - Creates native dynamic library for fontPangoiio for linuxwin linkLinuxGlassGlasslinkWinPrism - Creates native dynamic library for glassprism for linuxwin linkWinPrismD3D for variant Glass linkLinuxGlassGlassgtk2 - Creates- Creates native dynamic library for glassprismD3D for linux for variant Glassgtk2 linkLinuxGlassGlassgtk3win linkWinPrismES2 - Creates native dynamic library for glassprismES2 for linux for variant Glassgtk3 linkLinuxIiowin linkWinPrismSW - Creates native dynamic library for iioprismSW for linuxwin linkLinuxLaunchernative - Links Compiles and Builds all native dynamic library for the application co-bundle launcher linkLinuxLibrary - Linkslibraries for Graphics nativeDecora - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for the application co-bundle launcher library linkLinuxPrism - Creates native dynamic library for prism for linux linkLinuxPrismES2 - CreatesDecora nativeFont - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for prismES2 for linux linkLinuxPrismSW - Creates native dynamic library for prismSW for linux native - Compiles and Builds all native libraries for Graphics nativeDecorafont for all compile targets nativeGlass - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for glass for all Decoracompile targets nativeFontnativeIio - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for fontiio for all compile targets nativeFontFreetypenativePrism - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for fontFreetypeprism for all compile targets nativeFontPangonativePrismD3D - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for fontPangoprismD3D for all compile targets nativeGlassnativePrismES2 - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for glassprismES2 for all compile targets nativeIionativePrismSW - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for iioprismSW for all compile targets nativePrismrcFont - Compiles Generatesnative JNIsources headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for prism for all compile targets nativePrismES2 - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for prismES2 for all compile targets nativePrismSW - Generates JNI headers, compiles, and builds native dynamic library for prismSW for all compile targets shadersClasses for font rcGlass - Compiles native sources for glass rcIio - Compiles native sources for iio rcPrism - Compiles native sources for prism rcPrismD3D - Compiles native sources for prismD3D rcPrismES2 - Compiles native sources for prismES2 rcPrismSW - Compiles native sources for prismSW shadersClasses - Assembles shaders classes. shimsClasses - Assembles shims classes. stubClasses - Assembles stub classes. testapp1Classes - Assembles testapp1 classes. testapp2Classes - Assembles testapp2 classes. testapp3Classes - Assembles testapp3 classes. testapp4Classes - Assembles testapp4 classes. testapp5Classes - Assembles testapp5 classes. testapp6Classes - Assembles testapp6 classes. testClasses - Assembles test classes. toolsClasses - Assembles tools classes. Build Setup tasks ----------------- init - Initializes a new Gradle build. wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files. Documentation tasks ------------------- javadoc - Generates Javadoc API documentation for the main source code. Help tasks ---------- buildEnvironment - Displays all buildscript dependencies declared in root project 'rt'. components - Displays the components produced by root project 'rt'. [incubating] dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'rt'. dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'rt'. dependentComponents - Displays the dependent components of components in root project 'rt'. [incubating] help - Displays a help message. model - Displays the configuration model of root project 'rt'. [incubating] projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'rt'. properties - Displays the properties of root project 'rt'. tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'rt' (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects). of root project 'rt'. tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'rt' (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects). Publishing tasks ---------------- generateMetadataFileForJavafxPublication - Generates the Gradle metadata file for publication 'javafx'. generateMetadataFileForMavenPublication - Generates the Gradle metadata file for publication 'maven'. generatePomFileForJavafxPublication - Generates the Maven POM file for publication 'javafx'. generatePomFileForMavenPublication - Generates the Maven POM file for publication 'maven'. publish - Publishes all publications produced by this project. publishJavafxPublicationToMavenLocal - Publishes Maven publication 'javafx' to the local Maven repository. publishJavafxPublicationToMavenRepository - Publishes Maven publication 'javafx' to Maven repository 'maven'. publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal - Publishes Maven publication 'maven' to the local Maven repository. publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository - Publishes Maven publication 'maven' to Maven repository 'maven'. publishToMavenLocal - Publishes all Maven publications produced by this project to the local Maven cache. Verification tasks ------------------ check - Runs all checks. test - Runs the unit tests. To see all tasks and more detail, run gradle tasks --all To see more detail about a task, run gradle help --task <task> BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 4s19s 1 actionable task: 1 executed |
The tasks task is extremely helpful. You use it to discover all the other things you can do with this build file. You notice at the top of the output the phrase "All tasks runnable from root project". The "root" project is "javafxrt". That is, we are in the root project. Below the root project are a series of sub projects, some of which are referred to as modules or "components". But more about those later.
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$ gradle projects ... :projects ------------------------------------------------------------ Root project ------------------------------------------------------------ Root project 'rt' +--- Project ':apps' +--- Project ':base' +--- Project ':controls' +--- Project ':fxml' +--- Project ':fxpackager' +--- Project ':fxpackagerservices' +--- Project ':graphics' +--- Project ':jmx' +--- Project ':media' +--- Project ':swing' +--- Project ':swt' +--- Project ':systemTests' \--- Project ':web' To see a list of the tasks of a project, run gradle <project-path>:tasks For example, try running gradle :apps:tasks BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1s 1 actionable task: 1 executed |
The sdk task will build an OpenJFX SDK for your particular platform. Gradle automatically handles the downloading of all dependencies (such as Antlr and SWT located under \rt\build\libs
For more information on build properties, see Customizing the Build.