Q: I found a case where the specification and implementation disagree; how is this resolved?
A: The proper resolution depends on the nature of the discrepancy. However, if it is technically reasonable for either the specification to be changed to match the implementation or for the implementation to be changed to match the specification, the preference is to change the specification to match the implementation. This preference better preserves behavioral compatibility for users of the API in question. Note this is only a preference and at times it is unreasonable to allow erroneous behavior of the implementation, once recognized, to persist.
Q: How do I create a CSR ?
A: Do not directly create a CSR from the Create Menu. JIRA will let you do this right up until the moment you try to save it and find your typing was in vain.
Instead you should go to the target bug, select "More", and from the drop down menu select "Create CSR". This is required to properly associate the CSR with the main bug, just as is done for backports.
Q: How do I get my pre-formatted text (etc) to display properly ?
A: You can use markdown as is used in the JEP2 process. The cheat sheet recommended by JEP 2 may be found here : http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basic
(Future FAQ items will discuss the logistics of working with CSR issues in JBS.)