It also provides an -jdkinternals option to find dependencies to any JDK internal APIs that are unsupported and private to JDK implementation (see Why Developers Should Not Write Programs That Call 'sun' Packages).
Prepare for JDK 9
Most of the JDK's internal APIs are encapsulated in JDK 9. JEP 261 specifies the critical internal APIs that remain accessible until a replacement API is available in a future release. Other internal APIs are inaccessible by default.
This jdeps command will output the dependencies in DOT file format and one output .dot file per JAR file.
uses of the JDK's internal APIs
Below lists some of the JDK's internal APIs and the recommended way to replace their usage. See JEP 261 for the `--add-exports` command-line option to break in the encapsulation as a short-term migration purpose