- Please do a quick search of the bug database to see if your issue has already been filed
- You must include a test case, or clearly enumerated steps to setup and reproduce the failure
- We can't fix a problem we can't reproduce
- If there are any crash logs, spin traces, or gdb stack output, please also attach them to the bug
- If you are reporting a graphical UI issue, screen shots are very helpful
- Include any version information about the build, as well as the version of Mac OS X you encountered the problem on
- Use the form below if you are new to filing bugs or are uncertain of what information to attach
Blocker: Blocks development or testing work, production can not run
Critical: Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leaks, major specification incompatibility
Major: Major loss of functionality, minor specification incompatibility, major behavioral incompatibility
Minor: Minor loss of functionality, minor behavioral incompatibility
Trivial: Cosmetic problems like misspelled words or misaligned text
- REGR_from_apple6: bug test cases passes on Apple's Java SE 6, fails on macosx-port
- not_REGR_from_apple6: bug test case also fails on Apple's Java SE 6
Where to file
Apple Bug Report Sample Form
This form may be a helpful template if you are new to filing bugs
No Format |
* SUMMARY «Recap the problem title and/or include more descriptive summary information.» * STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. «Setup or prep work» 2. «Include explicit and accurate steps to reproduce. Do not include extraneous or irrelevant steps.» * RESULTS «Describe your results and how they differed from what you expected.» * VERSION OS: « Mac OS X version » Java: « (from "java -version") » * REGRESSION «Provide information on steps taken to isolate the problem. Describe circumstances where the problem occurs or does not occur, such as software versions and/or hardware configurations.» * NOTES «Attach any relevant screen shots, crash logs, or console output. Describe anything else that might be useful in resolving the problem, such as leads on diagnosis, any workarounds, or first observed configuration.» |
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