[All requests] [Approved requests] [Approved requests without push] [Unapproved requests]Filters for Release
11.0.18/all: OpenJDK but not OracleJDK: Changes in OpenJDK 11.0.18 that are not in OracleJDK 11.0.18.
11.0.18/all: OracleJDK but not OpenJDK: Changes backported to OracleJDK 11.0.3-11.0.18 but not in OpenJDK 11.0.18.
11.0.18/all/!deferred: OracleJDK but not OpenJDK: Changes backported to OracleJDK 11.0.3-11.0.18 but not in OpenJDK 11.0.18 excluding deferred Items, see JBS labels below. (faster Filter)
11.0.18/new: OracleJDK but not OpenJDK: Changes new in OracleJDK 11.0.18 but not in OpenJDK 11.0.18.
11.0.18/new/!deferred: OracleJDK but not OpenJDK: Changes new in OracleJDK 11.0.18 but not in OpenJDK 11.0.18 excluding deferred Items, see JBS labels below.
11.0.19/all: OpenJDK but not OracleJDK: Changes in OpenJDK 11.0.19 that are not in OracleJDK 11.0.19.
The OpenJDK but not OracleJDK "all" filters became increasingly complex and now overcharge JBS. Here a prototype for 11.0.20: 11.0.20/all: OpenJDK but not OracleJDK, It is not yet tailored for 11.0.20, as it does not deliver a result at all. We will omit these in future.
Filters for Release 11.0.21
Common jdk11u JBS labels