In August, the Group discussed the preparation of the Group's Draft Draft Quarterly Report for Q2 2015, JDK 9 Outreach updates, issue JDK-6260652, JVM Language Summit videos, impact of Project Jigsaw on OpenJFX and WAR files and using Slack Team.
Finally, in September, the Group continued to discuss discussed the Project Shenandoah proposal and builds, Project Jigsaw Early Access builds, test results, and hack days, as well as Quality Outreach updates and additions, along with OCA checking.
Adoption Group Members led, organized and participated in a number of public events promoting community involvement in the development, adoption and evangelism of OpenJDK projects during this quarter.
The LJC held a successful OpenJDK Hackday in London in July and September.
Adoption Group Members spoke & participated in an online meeting in July.
Wiki contributions
In this quarter, 2 Group Members have updated 3 pages on this Group's wiki.