- Render all Java2D drawing in OpenGL
- Bring up Cocoa-based event system
- Created a branch of macosx-port jdk workspace for development
- Prototyped CAOpenGLLayer drawing directly from Java2D OpenGL rendering pipe
- Renders to window on screen
- Bounds hardcoded
- Requires further API to be exposed to an applet
- Fails to draw entire scene, need intermediate buffer
- Prototyped IOSurface drawing into an NPAPI plug-in
- Works in a browser
- Does not connect to Java2D OpenGL rendering pipe
- Cannot support sub-embedding (JAWT)
- Determined that both and IOSurface and a CALayer need to be used together to form a complete working system
A: CoreGraphics draws to in-process memory. CoreGraphics has no natural affordance for either cross-process drawing nor embedded drawing. Using CoreGraphics (as opposed to CoreAnimation) drawing in an NPAPI plug-in is unlikely to achieve a simple nor performant solution.
Q: Can Quartz and CALayers be used to make a functional graphics system?
A: Yes, but CALayers require all drawing to occur on the main (AppKit) thread, and the drawing would still be going to a malloc()'d in-memory array of pixels. OpenGL commands directly to an IOSurface texture provide us a way to drive drawing directly to the card, and then flip the entire scene into a (potentially shared) CALayer on the main thread.
Q: What is the macosx-port currently using to render content onscreen?
A: Every window has an NSOpenGLContext which targeted by the Java2D OpenGL renderer, as well as an off-screen "scratch" context. This NSOpenGLContext is assigned directly to the root AWTView of the NSWindow, which basically connects the window's back-buffer pixels to the OpenGL context.
Q: Why use OpenGL? What happened to the Quartz and Sun2D renderers in Apple's Java SE 6?
A: The Quartz and Sun2D rendering pipelines in Java SE 6 are strictly in-memory only drawing routines which target the window back-buffer which is shared memory with the WindowServer. Since WindowServer windows are not easily shared (impossible using only API) and are in-memory only structures, they do not form the ideal substrate to build a performant, cross-process, and embeddable graphics system on.
How does Apple's Plugin2 work with the Quartz/Sun2D drawing in Java SE 6 today, and also support embedding?
A: Since the Quartz and Sun2D rendering pipelines in Java SE 6 only support rendering to an NSWindow (among other obnoxious requirements of the NSView-based AWT heavyweights), applet content is rendering into an invisible NSWindow. After each update, a request is punted onto A: Yes, but CALayers require all drawing to occur on the main (AppKit) thread, and the drawing would still be going to a malloc()'d in-memory array of pixels. OpenGL commands directly to an IOSurface texture provide us a way to drive drawing directly to the card, and then flip the entire scene into a (potentially shared) CALayer on the main threadwhich then creates a CGImageRef from the updated rectangle of the underlying window back-buffer pixels, and copies it into a CALayer. This CALayer is shared across processes back to the applet plug-in process, and is vended directly to the NPAPI via the CoreAnimation drawing model.