The Wakefield committers may hold off-line discussions from time-to-time. Since these meetings are just for the committers and invited wayland experts, summary minutes will be recorded here as time permits
Online Zoom Meeting 9am PST 27th Jan 2022
Attendees : Olivier, Phil, Kevin, Aleksandr,, Victor, Niels De Graaf, Alexey Ushakov, Jonas, Sergey, Zdenek, Zhengyu
Aleksandr :
Ubuntu 20.04 - some test problems - tests passed on 20.10 and 21.04
Memory leak tests - need to increase xMax heap
Mouse enter/exit events
Not always clear if Java problem or Wayland
Let's not spend/waste time on older OSes even LTS versions they'll never have
all the support we need anyway.
Working on migrating bugs / issues just documented on internal wiki to JBS using release==internal
Olivier : DnD also fixed in new OSes
Xwayland is not involved in DnD or copy/paste - standard x atoms
Wayland compositor or applications - x app knows nothing about wayland native so it
is the wayland compositor which does the translation
So doing DnD mutter has to map X11 window and use that to translate
Upstream Gnome 42 fix not yet backported to gnome 41 used by Fedora 35 ..
Can you use latest mutter from main on older OS ? Olivier or Jonas (?) - possible but sounded like a bunch of steps
he will find docs on this
Ed : I think this is the doc meant :
Alexey : trying native wayland port rendering using J2D s/w rendering.
Need to fit wayland model to our surface architecture ? Will create a branch in project repo.
Also (AI) will update wiki with info on this
Niels : updated wiki to more clearly describe JDK issues where there are gaps in wayland support
Do AWT Robot docs offer a "way out".
Note that some platforms require special privileges or extensions to access low-level input control. If the current platform configuration does not allow input control, an AWTException
will be thrown when trying to construct Robot objects. For example, X-Window systems will throw the exception if the XTEST 2.2 standard extension is not supported (or not enabled) by the X server.
Applications that use Robot for purposes other than self-testing should handle these error conditions gracefully.
These words are not intended to say you can be conformant - more about advice that you
may need to update settings add packages to mke your desktop supported.
Analogies such as makung sure you have required X11 packages installed and headful support is available.
Zdenek : Fedora rawhide - dev version of Fedora may be a way of getting VERY latest ahead of a Fedora release
Online Zoom Meeting 9am PST 13th Jan 2022
Attendees : Olivier, Phil, Kevin, Aleksandr, Dalibor, Victor, Niels De Graaf, Alexey Ushakov, Jonas, Mario