- jdk11u-na Change does not apply to open jdk11u. In general, this is a change done by Oracle for their build or test infrastructure, for their own delivery or in their tests not open sourced. Any other other change can also be not of interest to open jdk11u. In the past, we also used label openjdk-na for this purpose.
- jdk11u-jvmci-defer Changes that address jvmci and graal. We, the maintainers, currently do not backport these changes. Feel free to address them!
- jdk11u-solaris-sparc-defer Changes that address the Solaris or sparc ports. We, the maintainers currently do not backport these changes. Feel free to address them!
- jdk11u-nsk-8209611-defer We usually address test fixes, but we deferred the many changes for JDK-8209611 to concentrate on fixes of the JDK. Feel free to address them!
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