/integrate 38d3c3d937675ac5d550659825b7e99ed1eb3921
/sponsor [<hash>]
Marks you as the sponsor of the pull request and integrates the pull request. A contributor who is not a Committer must first issues the /integrate pull request command to mark a pull request as ready for integration. Once the pull request author has issued the /integrate pull request command, a Committer must then issue the /sponsor
pull request command to integrate the pull request. The /sponsor
pull request take an optional hash for atomic integrations, just like the /integrate pull request command.
/issue JDK-4567890
/solves JDK-456789
/issue add JDK-4567890
/issue add 4567890
/issue add 1234567,4567890
/issue remove JDK-4567890
/summary summary [<text>]
Add a summary section to the resulting commit message of the pull request. For details on the commit message syntax, see JEP 357. A summary command alone without any text will remove an existing summary.