Project Skara provides contributors and reviewers with additional pull request commands that enable additional functionality. A pull request command is a comment made to a pull request that starts with a slash ("/"), for example "/integrate", "/csr" or "/sponsor". The command may appear on any line and with an arbitrary amount of whitespace in front of it, but it must be the first non whitespace characters that appear on a particular line. Pull request commands can also be placed at the end of the pull request body. Pull request commands can be used with draft pull requests.
Skara will only evaluate a given command once, so if you make a mistake and get an error message back, you need to enter a new command in a new comment. Editing the previous comment will not have any effect.
Note that if you are using Skara on Gitlab, there are built in commands that clash with some of the Skara commands. To enforce use of the Skara command and not the Gitlab variant, you can put some whitespace in front of the command in the comment.
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