- http://www.ing.iac.es/~docs/external/java/pmd/rules/design.html
- http://code.google.com/p/code-cop-code/wiki/PmdRulesCodecop
- structural matching: all AST hiearchy can be queried through Xpath expression
- can't express subtype relations. E.g. assignments where RHS is supertype of left handside and different
- no variable binding
- support generic constructors but not bind it to enclosing class: //ConstructorDeclaration//TypeParameters
- no support for read/write effects
- Model: Relational vs Tree
- control flow statements
- variable binding & cross reference
- types information of AST nodes + type constraints
- set operators
- generics / wildcards
- read/write references
- anonymous class
- aggregates (grouping results)
- pattern matching? (i.e JTL style for argument list, SOUL like for AST matching)
- universal quantifiers (forall, exists, no)
- querying style
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