/issue [add|remove] <id>[,<id>,...]
Marks Mark or clear one or more issues as solved by this pull request. The default action is to mark an issue as being solved. All issues solved by the pull request will be part of the resulting commit message. An issue that has wrongly been marked as solved by this pull request can be removed by the command /issue remove <id>. It is allowed to prefix the issue numeric id with the JBS project name, but it is not necessary.
/issue JDK-4567890
/solves JDK-456789
/issue add JDK-4567890
/issue add 4567890
/issue add 1234567,4567890
/issue remove JDK-4567890
/contributor (add|remove) [@user | openjdk-user | Full Name <email@address>]
Marks another Adds or removes a user as a contributor to this pull request. A contributor can be specified either by their GitHub username (e.g. @openjdk-bot), their OpenJDK username (e.g. duke) or via a full-name and email combination (e.g. J. Duke <duke@openjdk.org>). A contributor that has incorrectly been listed as a contributor can be unlisted by issuing the command /contributor remove <id>
. The contributors will be included in the final commit message for the pull request. For full details on the commit message syntax see JEP 357.
/contributor add @edvbldehelin
/contributor add rwestberg@edvbld
/contributor add J. Duke <duke@openjdk.org>
/contributor remove @edvbld
/contributor remove rwestberg
/contributor remove J. Duke <duke@openjdk.org>