- Igor Veresov
AOT/Graal changes walkthrough (January 2018)
Compiler Team Offsite, Santa Clara - Igor Veresov and Vladimir Kozlov
Ahead of Time Compilation (January 2018)
Compiler Team Offsite, Santa Clara - Vladimir Ivanov
Project Panama - Status Update (January 2018)
Compiler Team Offsite, Santa Clara - Tobias Hartmann and Roland Westrelin
State of the Values (January 2018)
Compiler Team Offsite, Santa Clara - Vladimir Kozlov
Loop optimizations in HotSpot VM Server Compiler (January 2018October 2011)
The C2 Register Allocator (January 2018March 2014, slides by Niclas Adlertz)
Compiler Team Offsite, Santa Clara - Tobias Hartmann
What´s Cool in Java 8, and New in Java 9 - From a VM engineer's perspective (April 2017)
Oracle Code Berlin, Germany - Tobias Hartmann, Zoltán Majó
HotSpot VM Under the Hood (Feb 2016)
Bucharest Technology Week, Romania - Vladimir Ivanov
State of java.lang.invoke Implementation in OpenJDK (August 2015), video
Santa Clara, JVM Language Summit - Tobias Hartmann
Efficient Code Cache Management for Dynamic Multi-Tiered Compilation Systems (September 2014)
PPPJ in Krakow, Poland
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