Control | Windows | Mac | Notes | |
BUTTON | Button | X | X | |
CHECK_BOX | CheckBox | X | X | |
CHECK_MENU_ITEM | CheckMenuItem | X | X | |
COMBO_BOX | ChoiceBox, ComboBox | X | X | |
CONTEXT_MENU | ContextMenu | X | X | |
DATE_PICKER | DatePicker | X | X | |
DECREMENT_BUTTON | ScrollBar, Spinner(skin) | X | X | |
HEADER | Table(skin), TreeTable(skin) | - | X | Mac needs to see the header Need to document what happens when the header is not set and/or ask for the header on Windows and fail if not there to avoid platform specific code. |
HYPERLINK | Hyperlink | X | X | |
IMAGE_VIEW | ImageView | X | X | |
INCREMENT_BUTTON | ScrollBar, Spinner(skin) | X | X | |
LIST_ITEM | ListCell | X | X | |
LIST_VIEW | ListView | X | X | |
MENU | Menu | X | X | |
MENU_BAR | MenuBar | X | X | |
MENU_BUTTON | MenuButton | X | X | |
MENU_ITEM | MenuItem | X | X | |
NODE | Node | X | X | |
PAGE_ITEM | IndicatorButton (in PaginationSkin) | X | X | |
PAGINATION | Pagination | X | X | |
PARENT | Parent, Scene | X | X | |
PASSWORD_FIELD | PasswordField | X | X | |
PROGRESS_INDICATOR | ProgressIndicator | X | X | |
RADIO_BUTTON | RadioButton | X | X | |
RADIO_MENU_ITEM | RadioMenuItem | X | X | |
SCROLL_BAR | ScrollBar | X | X | |
SCROLL_PANE | ScrollPane | X | X | |
SLIDER | Slider | X | X | |
SPINNER | Spinner | X | X | |
SPLIT_MENU_BUTTON | SplitMenuButton | X | X | |
TAB_ITEM | TabHeaderSkin (in TabPaneSkin) | X | X | |
TAB_PANE | TabPane | X | X | |
TABLE_CELL | TableCell | X | X | |
TABLE_COLUMN | TableView (TableColumnHeader) | X | X | Used by Mac & Win to find the column name. Win does not require native role. |
TABLE_ROW | TableRow | X | X | |
TABLE_VIEW | TableView | X | X | |
TEXT | Text | X | X | |
TEXT_AREA | TextArea | X | X | |
TEXT_FIELD | TextField | X | X | |
THUMB | ScrollBar, Slider | X | X | |
TITLED_PANE | TitledPane | X | X | |
TOGGLE_BUTTON | ToggleButton | X | X | |
TOOL_BAR | ToolBar | X | X | |
TOOLTIP | Tooltip | - | X | This seems to be a work around for a Mac specific problem. When a window is shown, focus goes to the control inside (the text of the tooltip), then that hides the window, then the tooltip is show. Need to document that this is not asked for on Windows. I assume that using a TEXT role control for the tooltip guts works on Windows but fails on Mac? Is there another way that this could be worked around that did not require a platform specific role? |
TREE_ITEM | TreeCell | X | X | |
TREE_TABLE_CELL | TreeTableCell | X | X | |
TREE_TABLE_ROW | TreeTableRow | X | X | |
TREE_TABLE_VIEW | TreeTableView | X | X | |
TREE_VIEW | TreeView | X | X |