The changes are the addition of the src files that made up the abbreviated graal.jar. As mentioned earlier this includes the graal AMD64 backend because of the way we do deoptimization thru trampoline code.and the way the hsail backend defers to the host backend for things that it doesn't override. It is possible that some of the files in core graal are not really used by the HSAIL backend of the AMD64 bakckend trampoline code but this fine tuning has not been done yet.
- abbreviated graal sources, 171K lines of code, 1083 java files
- full graal.jar 209K lines of code, 1319 java files
- rest of JDK 8200 java files
The changes are the changes that the graal project for their own hotspot fork. At the time of this experiment, graal was still forked off of hs25-b63 so I used that as a starting point for this diff.
hg diff-stat of sumatra-dev/hotspot vanilla hs256hs25-b63