This section assumes that you have already succeeded in Building OpenJFX. A gradle build must complete before IDE support will fully work (otherwise your IDE will just be a glorified text editor with lots of red squiggles!). Specific instructions for using each IDE is provided below, followed by a discussion on Developer Workflow, Using Mercurial, and Communication with other members of the team. Further information on how we work can be found under Policies and ProcessesCode Style Rules.
IDE Pre-Requirements
Despite the fact that most of the major IDE's support gradle directly, we have decided to provide pre-generated IDE configuration files in order to make using an IDE smooth and painless. As the IDE's support for gradle improves, we may be able to update these instructions to rely on that support instead of the checked-in project files that we have today.
- cd <PATH TO JFX>
- mkdir -p caches/sdk/rt/lib/ext
- mv <PATH TO JDK>jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jarjar caches/sdk/rt/lib/ext
Using NetBeans